4th Summer Course of the UNESCO Housing Chair – Presentation of the book series on housing (“Derecho de la Vivienda”)

The 4th Edition of the Summer Course of the UNESCO Housing Chair of the University Rovira i Virgili took place in the city of Valls, Tarragona (Old Convent of Carmen), last June 15th. Researchers from the Chair, visiting researchers, such as Dr. Padraic Kenna or Dr. Brano Glumac, and representatives from both the Chair’s partners and the Valls City Council, which actively collaborated in its organization, took part in the Course, which dealt with topics related to collaborative housing and the urban environment, such as housing and blockchain, cohousing, condo-hotels and urban regeneration. It was presented the book series on housing (“Derecho de la Vivienda”), published by the prestigious Spanish publisher Tirant lo Blanch in collaboration with the UNESCO Housing Chair. The first two volumes of the series are already available, which deal with housing tenures and reverse mortgages (http://www.tirant.com/editorial/colecciones/derecho-de-la-vivienda).