Meeting Red Leonardo 2024

Dr. Héctor Simón participated in the meeting of the Red Leonardo 2024 of the BBVA Foundation, of which he is a member, a community of knowledge at the forefront of scientific research and cultural creation. The event took place in Madrid on Monday, 22 April 2024.

More information at:


Mr. Andrés Labella delivered the conference “Human rights from the registry perspective: universal accessibility to formal advertising” on Monday, 15 April  2024, as part of the “Legal coordinates of disability. Build from dignity and autonomy” organized by the Deanship of Registrars of Property, Mercantile and Movable Assets of Catalonia, the Faculty of Law and the Chair of Registration Law UB.

More information at: of-dignity-and-autonomy-


Workshop pf the Postgraduate Program

Students and teaching staff of the Postgraduate Program in Housing Policies held a Workshop with Cáritas Diocesana de Barcelona on Thursday, 11 April 2024. More information on the Postgraduate Program at:


Dr. Héctor Simón delivers the conference “Housing policies in Spain: from ownership to precariousness” on Friday, 12 April 2024, as part of the Seminar “Access to housing in the tourist city” organized by the Chair of Urban Studies at the University of the Balearic Islands.

More information at:

See also:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar delivers the conference “A distributist approach to the housing problem” on Wednesday, 10 April 10 2024, within the framework of the course “Prefer the modern or dare the old? G. K. Chesterton on progress and tradition” organized by the Spanish University Foundation.


Dr. Héctor Simón participates in the report “Four private companies accumulate more apartments for rent than all public entities in Tarragona” of the Diari de Tarragona (6-4-2024).

The news is available at:



Dr. Gemma Caballé delivered a conference for the Real Estate Services Cluster (CSIM) and gave her perspective on the need for regulation of the property manager profession, as well as the new functions that the sector demands. The event took place on Tuesday, 26 March 2024.

More information at:

Agenda of the Chair

The Agenda of the Chair num. 32 for the months of April-May 2024 is now available.

Link to all agendas:



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the report “Inquilinos al límite” of the RTVE program “Informe Semanal”, dedicated to access to rental housing (23-3-2024).

The program is available at: