Dr. Núria Lambea Llop attended the board meeting of the Social Housing Foundation, of which she is a member, on Tuesday, 19 November 2024.

More information about the Foundation can be found at: https://habitatsocial.org/

Meeting of the UNESCO Chairs of Catalonia

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno has attended the UNESCO Chairs of Catalonia meeting that has taken place at the University of Girona on November 18, 2024, organized by the UNESCO Chair of Cultural Policies and Cooperation of the University of Girona.


Dr. Maria Paula Rodríguez de Liévano participates in the report “Se buscan vecinos para montar una cooperativa y comprarle a un fondo un edificio antiguo en Lavapiés” of the newspaper El País (15-11-2024).

The article can be consulted at: https://elpais.com/espana/madrid/2024-11-15/se-buscan-vecinos-para-montar-una-cooperativa-y-comprarle-a-un-fondo- an-edificio-antiguo-en-lavapies.html


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar is interviewed by Diari Més regarding the Metropolitan Area of ​​Tarragona (14-11-2024).

The interview can be viewed at: https://www.diarimes.com/ca/mes-a-fons/area-metropolitana/241114/sergio-nasarre-hi-solucio-per-l-habitatge-pensem-nomes-habitatge_157450.html


Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno delivers the opening lecture of the “Congress on Legal Problems of Housing in the Current Socio-Economic Environment”, organized within the framework of the activities of the Chair of Notarial Law of the University of Oviedo in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid. The Congress will be held in Oviedo on November 14 and 15, 2024.


Dr. Núria Lambea Llop has published the article “Increasing social housing” in the Diari de Tarragona (11-11-2024).

It can be consulted at: https://www.diaridetarragona.com/economia/economia-empresas/aumentar-la-vivienda-social-NP21845901


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar delivered the presentation “From owners to squatters” at the “Pau Bonet” Conference, organized by the College of Property Managers of the Balearic Islands. The event takes place in Palma de Mallorca on the 7th and 8th of November 2024.

More information at: https://www.cafcord.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/PROGRAMA-X-JORNADAS-PAU-BONET.pdf


Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno attends the International Conference “Designing policies for a resilient Europe” and meeting of the European project FutureResilience (https://futuresilience.eu), of which the Chair is part thanks to the pilot project “Liquid Housing” (https://housing .urv.cat/liquid-housing/). The event takes place in Ferrara on November 5 and 6, 2024.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar is interviewed by the newspaper Libre Mercado (“Tenants against owners: how we got to this”) (10-25-2024).

It can be consulted at: https://www.libremercado.com/2024-10-25/sergio-nasarre-aznar-inquilinos-contra-propietarios-como-hemos-llegado-a-esto-7175395/

Agenda of the Chair

The Agenda of the Chair num. 37 for the month of November 2024 is already available.

Link to all agendas: https://housing.urv.cat/en/agenda/