
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Núria Lambea Llop participate in the article “España will take at least 15 years to equal the EU in public housing” in the newspaper El Periódico de Aragón (15-12-2024).

The news is available at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Núria Lambea Llop participate in the report “Affordable social housing forever” in the newspaper El Punt Avui (18-12-2024).

The news is available at:

Sixth meeting of doctoral students and doctors

On Thursday, 12 December 2024, the Sixth meeting of doctoral students and doctors of the UNESCO Chair in Housing took place to share research topics.


Monitoring Committee

On December 12th, the Housing Chair held the 11th Monitoring Committee with its partners and advisers.

Newspaper Diari de Tarragona

Dr. Héctor Simón has collaborated in a report of the Diari de Tarragona on “Tarragona, the Catalan capital that worst preserves its buildings” (4-12-2024).

Available at:

Lectures on housing and legal terminology in English

Dr. Phillippa Hugues, postdoctoral researcher and Marie Curie fellow, and Ms. Ashjan Alsane, who is developing her thesis at the Chair on artificial intelligence, have delivered two open sessions in the context of the Comparative Law subject of the Law Degree: the first, on the situation of housing in the UK and Spain and, the second, on legal terminology in English. The sessions took place on 19 November 2024.


Dr. Joan Andreu Ferrer Guardiola has published the book “El régimen de la vivienda de uso turístico como manifestación de la Nueva Propiedad”, which will be part of the collection “Derecho de la vivienda” by the Tirant lo Blanch publisher, which coordinates the UNESCO Chair in Housing.

The books that are part of the collection can be consulted at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar publishes the article “Towards a perfect society” at the newspaper El Debate (12-4-2024).

The news is available at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the report “Sánchez reissues Zapatero’s failed public housing company: «It’s smoke and propaganda»” from the newspaper El Debate (3-12-2024).

The news is available at:

The Family and Social Welfare Foundation receives the Certificate of Good Management of Social Housing awarded by the UNESCO Housing Chair at the URV

This is a quality seal created by the UNESCO Housing Chair at the Rovira i Virgili University and which evaluates and accredits good practices in the field of social housing management.

The Family and Social Welfare Foundation has become the fourth entity to receive the Certificate of Good Management of Social Housing (CVS), a quality seal that guarantees that the entity applies good management criteria to its social housing and to the beneficiaries.

The award ceremony took place last Thursday, November 28, and was attended by Lourdes Ridameya, head of promotion at the Catalan Institute of Finance; Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno, director of the UNESCO Chair of Housing at the URV, Núria Lambea, deputy director of the UNESCO Chair of Housing; Josep Maria Puig, president of the FIBS Foundation and Alfons Thió, manager of the FIBS Foundation.

During the event, the importance of this seal was highlighted given the lack of a legal framework at the Spanish or Catalan level that defines, delimits and harmonizes the activity of social housing management entities, also highlighting that the CVS Certificate is an initiative that allows for a standard of quality and good management of social housing and that it is gradually becoming a standard for the sector. The Chair is already working on the accreditation process for other entities.

44 parameters to analyze good practices

The Certificate of Good Social Housing Management (CVS) is a quality seal that evaluates aspects related to the governance and management structure of the entity, the sources of financing and the economic strategies followed, the management of the social housing stock and the services offered (typology, quantity and quality). It is awarded by the UNESCO Chair in Housing at the Rovira i Virgili University and consists of an evaluation of up to 44 parameters classified as good practices in the management of social housing that are based on a rigorous scientific study at a national and international level.