European Housing Studies (EHS)

The UNESCO Chair of Housing URV promotes three accredited and specialized courses: one in housing policies (unique training in the territory), and another on real estate agents. We are also launching a third course, the European Housing Studies (EHS), a unique training course on housing at European level, supported by three European public universities. The EHS course has been designed to rise the qualification and the education standards and overall achieving a greater professionalization within the housing sector and has been developed by consolidated housing experts around Europe, with the support of the European Commission.

More information at:



Professor Dr. Sergio Nasarre was interviewed by Idealista about the problem of access to housing in Spain and the impact of the Spanish Housing Law.




Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre was interviewed by EjePrime.



The researcher Dr. Héctor Simón has published the article “The constitutional evolution of the social function of the property and the new regime of the right of ownership over dwellings in the law on the right to housing” in the journal Private Law and Constitution.


Pro. Dr. Sergio Nasarre was interviewed by Economist & Jurist.

Launch of the European Housing Studies Course (EHS) – Katowice

The launch of the European Housing Studies Course (EHS) has been present at at least seven conferences between March and June 2023. In addition, two specific events have been organized in Brussels, 1-6-2023; and Madrid, 15-6-2023. The third took place in Katowice (Poland) on 3 July 2023. The EHS is the result of the European Housing+ project. See the program of the three events here.


Dr. Héctor Simón has been interviewed by Diari de Tarragona.


6th Summer Course of the UNESCO Housing Chair

The UNESCO Chair of Housing at Rovira i Virgili University is organizing the 6th Summer Course “The Housing Law, in depth”, which will take place at the headquarters of the College of Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Tarragona (COAAT) on Thursday 13 July. The course aims to be a meeting point to discuss from a critical and academic point of view the novelties that the Housing Law incorporates, such as its impact on urban lease contracts, evictions and squatting, the real estate professions or on rehabilitation and energy efficiency, as well as the new regime of social housing.

More information at:

Conference on the housing Law, evictions and squatting

Dr. Héctor Simón has participated in the Round Table “The problem, repercussion and solutions to squatting in Spain” of the Conference organized by the Spanish Association of Public Housing and Land Managers (AVS) on the Housing Law, evictions, squatting and other issues, which took place on Tuesday, 4th July 2023.

Attendance at the ENHR International Conference

Last Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 June, Dr. Héctor Simón, Dr. Blanca Deusdad and Dr. Silvana Canales participated in the international conference of the European Network for Housing Research “Urban regeneration: shines and shadows”, which was held in Lodz (Poland). Dr. Simón coordinates the working group “Southern European Housing”, and Dr. Deusdad the “Housing and Living Conditions of Ageing Populations”.