Conference on Accessibility and Independent Living

Mr. Andrés Labella has participated in the “Congreso de Accesibilidad y Vida Independiente (CAVI) 2023: Hábitat e innovación inclusiva,” organized by COCEMFE and which took place in Madrid on November 21, 2023.

The Congress can be viewed at:

Canal Reus TV

Dr. Héctor Simón participated in Canal Reus TV on Monday, November 27 to talk about the impact of Decree-Law 3/2023, of November 7, on urgent measures on the planning regime for housing for tourist use.

The participation of the Chair’s researchers on Canal Reus TV can be viewed at:

National Housing Conference

Prof Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra participate in the “III National Housing Congress: Remedies against the erosion of the right to housing in times of uncertainty”, which is held at the University of Zaragoza on Thursday November 23 and Friday, November 24.

More information at: times.html

Congress of the Catalan Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology

Dr. María Paula Rodríguez Liévano, researcher at the Chair, participated in the 27th Congress of the Catalan Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, which took place in Barcelona on November 16 and 17, 2023. Dr. Rodríguez’s presentation was about the phenomenon of cohousing and collaborative experiences. The complete program can be consulted at:

Doctoral thesis defense

Dr. Lluc Font Pomarol, researcher at the Science and Engineering of Emerging Systems (SeesLab) at Rovira i Virgili University and member of the UNESCO Housing Chair, defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Quantitative Large-Scale Analysis of Judicial Decisions: Judicial Disruption and Practices” last Friday, 17 November 2023. The event took place in the Higher Technical School of Chemical Engineering (Campus Sescelades) of Rovira i Virgili University.

Debate on young people and residential exclusion

Dr. Héctor Simón took part in the debate on young people and residential exclusion organized by Diari de Tarragona on November 6, 2023. The debate also featured the interventions of the Minister of Territory of the Generalitat, Ester Capella; and the director of the Mambré Foundation, Maira Costas Casas.

The conference is available at:

Presentation of report on homelessness

Dr. Héctor Simón presented the report drawn up by the UNESCO Housing Chair “Diagnosis on situations of homelessness and residential exclusion in the region of Osona”, commissioned by the Consortium of Social Services of the region of Osona. The content of this document is based on the reflection of the different agents involved (technical staff, members of organizations, people who use the service…) in order to shape the reality of the region in the field of homelessness and social exclusion, always trying to maintain the objective of understanding the diagnosis as a regional project.

The report is available at:

The report is echoed at: and on youtube :


Dr. Héctor Simón participates in the report “Los grandes tenedores, en el punto de mira: aumentan las multas por no ofrecer alquiler social” from the Diari de Tarragona (6-11-2023).

Available at:

Presentation of “El Llindar” experience

Radio Vilafranca echoes the presentation of the “El Llindar” experience, an activity designed to raise awareness and reflect on the issue of homelessness, at the Regional Council of Alt Penedès on October 27, 2023. Available at: https://

More information about “El Llindar” at

Agenda of the Chair

The Agenda of the Chair num. 28 for the month of Novembrer is now available.

Link to all agendas: