Diari de Tarragona

Dr. Héctor Simón has participated in a news story of Diari de Tarragona.

Link: https://www.diaridetarragona.com/tarragona/mas-del-50-de-los-edificios-de-tgn-presentan-carencias-de-eficiencia-energetica-PB15369611#:~:text=Un%2051%25%20del%20total%20de,Edificació%20de%20Tarragona%20(COAATT)

The Chair awards the second Certificate of Good Social Housing Management to Hàbitat 3

The Hàbitat 3 Foundation has obtained this certificate awarded by the UNESCO Housing Chair after an evaluation process, which certifies the correct application of appropriate management criteria for social housing. The Habitat3 Foundation is the first private entity to receive the Certificate of Good Social Housing Management (CVS). More information at: https://www.habitat3.cat/blog/la-fundacio-habitat3-primera-entitat-social-que-rep-el-certificat-de-bona

Participation in 8TV – “El Pentàgon”

Dr. Héctor Simón participated last Friday, May 12th, in the 8TV program “El Pentàgon”, which dealt with the problem of squatting and the Statal Law for the Right to Housing. The program can be viewed here: https://www.8tv.cat/programa/12/el-pentagon.



Diari de Tarragona

Dr. Héctor Simón collaborates on a report of Diari de Tarragona.




Members of the Chair meet with the Sí Tarragona party.

Link: https://www.diarimes.com/noticies/tarragona/2023/05/01/mar_gine_proposa_rehabilitar_els_immobles_degradats_ciutat_137512_1091.html


Debate on housing policies in Tarragona

UNESCO Housing Chair organises the 3rd Round Table on “Municipal housing policies”, with representatives of different candidates for mayor of the city of Tarragona, to discuss the current situation and challenges on housing in the city. The event will take place on Tuesday 9 May at 6:00 pm in the University Rovira i Virgili (Campus Catalunya). Attendance is free, but the capacity of the room is limited. To register, please send an email to office.housing@urv.cat, indicating the name(s) of the person(s) attending.


Tarragona Radio

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre talks for Tarragona Ràdio about the Bill for the right to housing.

Link: https://www.tarragonaradio.cat/el-projecte-de-llei-de-lhabitatge-pretensios-i-amb-mesures-constitucionalment-questionables/