5th Conference on social housing in Seville and 2nd Meeting of Housing and Sustainability Chairs and Postgraduate Courses

Dr. Núria Lambea presented the UNESCO Housing Chair’s task of transfer of knowledge at the 5th Conference on Social Housing in Seville, on 23 February.

Dr. Lambea also participated, the following day, in the 2nd Meeting of Housing and Sustainability Chairs and Postgraduate Courses.

Professional Real Estate Law course

On February 22nd, Dr. Gemma Caballé taught the course ‘Professional Real Estate Law’ in Zaragoza.

Doctoral Thesis Defense

On February 17, 2023, the researcher from the Chair María Paula Rodríguez Liévano defended her doctoral thesis “Human Rights in Collaborative Housing” and obtained the highest rating from the committee.

El Independiente

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has participated in a story of newspaper El Independiente.

Link: https://www.elindependiente.com/economia/2023/02/14/la-inflacion-y-el-acceso-a-las-hipotecas-amenazan-con-pinchar-la-burbuja-de-la-vivienda-de-segunda-mano/

Newspaper Diari de Tarragona

Dr. Héctor Simón has participated in a news report of Diari de Tarragona about empty houses.

Newspaper Diari de Tarragona

Dr. Sergio Nasarre has published the article “Nos quieren expropiar nuestras casas” on Diari de Tarragona.


Link: https://epjdatascience.springeropen.com/articles/10.1140/epjds/s13688-022-00376-0

Abstract: We analyze a corpus of 100,000 judicial decisions in the Spanish judicial system, with a focus on the scope of housing. Using topic modeling and information theory, we are able to reveal disrupting topics and periods, and to interpret them in terms of the role played by legislative changes, landmark decisions, and the influence of social movements.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated as speaker in the conference “A distributist solution to the housing problem” at the CEU San Pablo University.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/i80UrsGXhjw?feature=share