
Today, Monday, March 21, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar accompanies the members of the Rotary Club of Tarragona with a talk entitled “What are they doing with housing”.


Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno has published the article “La ocupación de viviendas sin título habilitante y los derechos fundamentales y humanos en conflicto” (Housing squatting and the fundamental and human rights at stake), in number 786 of the Critical Review of Real Estate Law, where he reviews the latest legislative and jurisprudential developments on this problematic from a comparative perspective.

More information in:



The UNESCO Housing Chair of URV will participate in the Congress “Innovación y Proyectos para el Desarrollo Sustentable. Nuevas perspectivas en red para las cátedras UNESCO” (Innovation and Projects for Sustainable Development. New perspectives in network for UNESCO Chairs) organized by FLACAM together with the network of UNESCO Chairs to be held from 23 to 25 March 2022. The congress is developed with the dual purpose of providing innovative ideas and projects in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as sharing the experiences of UNESCO Chairs in their actions to achieve these goals and thus promote a network of Chairs for sustainability.

The participation of the UNESCO Housing Chair is scheduled for March 24 at 17:00h by Dr. Hector Simón and Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez who will present the paper entitled “La cohesión urbana y territorial a través de los Planes Locales de Vivienda: la experiencia de la ciudad de Tarragona” (Urban and territorial cohesion through Local Housing Plans: the experience of the city of Tarragona).

The congress will be developed in virtual format and completely free of charge, those interested in participating in the 6th session: “Desarrollo territorial, hábitat urbano y naturaleza” (Territorial development, urban habitat and nature) in which our Chair will participate can apply for registration at the following link. For information about other sessions or about the congress in general, please contact the organizers using the following form.




On March 17 at 17h Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the Webinar “Housing. Current situation and legislative forecasts” organized by the Scientific Commission 160th Anniversary of the Mortgage Law.

Webinar link:

Diari de Tarragona

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar writes for the Diari de Tarragona about The rent control of rents in Catalonia is unconstitutional.


International workshop

The Universities of Southampton (UK), Deakin (Australia) and Rovira i Virgili (Spain) organize the international workshop ‘Living Cheek by Jowl’: Socio-legal explorations of the challenges of housing intensification” on 30thJune and 1st July 2022in  Oñati. It will deal where various aspects related to housing and the urban environment and what “living in community” entails will be discussed.




City Hall of Reus

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno and Dr. Núria Lambea Llop have visited the El Roser Social Center of the Reus City Council, a care and empowerment facility for people in situations of vulnerability.




Dr. Núria Lambea published the book “La gestión de la vivienda social en clave europea” (The management of social housing model in a European context), which is the result of her PhD thesis. There will find the reader an in-depth analysis not only of social housing management models in Spain, but also of comparative management models (specifically, the English housing association model and the Dutch woningcorporatie model, which are private non-profit management ones). Thus, this book aims to respond to the existing (and still unsolved) need in Spain for a common and functional legal framework for social housing providers and managers, which allows structuring and improving the efficiency of an atomised and unstructured sector.

Link to the book:



El País refers to the study on “Accessibility in housing in Spain” carried out by the Owners’ Mutual Foundation in collaboration with the Chair.

Link of the news:

Study link: