
On March 17 at 17h Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the Webinar “Housing. Current situation and legislative forecasts” organized by the Scientific Commission 160th Anniversary of the Mortgage Law.

Webinar link: https://www.registradores.org/actualidad/aniversario-ley-hipotecaria

Diari de Tarragona

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar writes for the Diari de Tarragona about The rent control of rents in Catalonia is unconstitutional.


International workshop

The Universities of Southampton (UK), Deakin (Australia) and Rovira i Virgili (Spain) organize the international workshop ‘Living Cheek by Jowl’: Socio-legal explorations of the challenges of housing intensification” on 30thJune and 1st July 2022in  Oñati. It will deal where various aspects related to housing and the urban environment and what “living in community” entails will be discussed.

Links: https://www.iisj.net/es/workshops/‘living-cheek-jowl’-socio-legal-explorations-challenges-housing-intensification




City Hall of Reus

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno and Dr. Núria Lambea Llop have visited the El Roser Social Center of the Reus City Council, a care and empowerment facility for people in situations of vulnerability.

Link: https://elroser.reus.cat



Dr. Núria Lambea published the book “La gestión de la vivienda social en clave europea” (The management of social housing model in a European context), which is the result of her PhD thesis. There will find the reader an in-depth analysis not only of social housing management models in Spain, but also of comparative management models (specifically, the English housing association model and the Dutch woningcorporatie model, which are private non-profit management ones). Thus, this book aims to respond to the existing (and still unsolved) need in Spain for a common and functional legal framework for social housing providers and managers, which allows structuring and improving the efficiency of an atomised and unstructured sector.

Link to the book: https://editorial.tirant.com/es/libro/la-gestion-de-la-vivienda-social-en-clave-europea-nuria-lambea-llop-9788413976181



El País refers to the study on “Accessibility in housing in Spain” carried out by the Owners’ Mutual Foundation in collaboration with the Chair.

Link of the news: https://elpais.com/economia/negocios/2022-03-05/cuando-el-vecino-es-un-obstaculo-mayor-que-una-escalera.html

Study link: https://www.fundacionmdp.org/solution/estudio-de-la-accesibilidad-de-las-viviendas-en-espana/


Conference on the Future of Europe – Housing Event – Launch of Report and Video

Available both the Report and the Video of the Housing Event, organised by the National University of Ireland Galway, in collaboration with the European Movement and The Housing Agency, in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe. Dr. Núria Lambea talked about the “Study on Concrete actions for social and affordable housing in the EU: housing challenges, lessons learned and recommendations”.

The Report of the Event, which includes a summary of the presentation, together with other Reports, and the Concept Paper for the Event, is now available on the website of the Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy at NUI Galway:



CoFoE Housing Event Part 1: https://youtu.be/w75ziSeK1W8

CoFoE Housing Event Part 2: https://youtu.be/L31R4OIHbj0

CoFoE Housing Event Part 3: https://youtu.be/UVtJClloMmw

The Full Video of the Event is available at: https://youtu.be/5cAg_eo-kRs



The recording of the Webinar Experts The housing bill under debate, organized by Hay Derecho, is now available.

Link: https://youtu.be/WgSSR1DnX2c