Diari de Tarragona

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar writes for the Diari de Tarragona: Squatters!

Link: https://www.diaridetarragona.com/opinion/Okupas-20220228-0009.html


Participation in the “Meeting of Chairs on Innovation and Housing in Spain”

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno participated on February 24 in the “Meeting of Chairs on Innovation and Housing in Spain” on behalf of the URV’s Unesco Chair on the Right to Housing, which was held at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Valencia at the initiative of the “Càtedra Innovació en Habitatge”. The event sought to be a forum to exchange experiences and foster synergies that could lead to future collaborations.

Link: http://www.upv.es/contenidos/CHABITAT/noticia_1183615c.html?fbclid=IwAR1SI8PaPbb3nWIsWl4kucDKbsPhQyXfdfc0yktmHLhYXf9W89Fd7tRDTtQ


Reus Television Channel

Silvana Canales Gutiérrez speaks for the Reus TV Channel on the tourist accommodation digital platforms.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkzygJnq_Xw



Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra will participate this Thursday, February 24 at 18:00h in the webinar organized by SIRA and UCI where the real estate barometer will be presented and she will explain the impact that the Spanish Housing Act may have in the real estate brokerage profession.

Registration for the event: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/2216451195330/WN_GIj05hNpRjinJr2jYd9vTw


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates on February 23 in the Experts Webinar The housing law project under debate, organized by Hay Derecho.

Link: https://www.hayderecho.com/portfolio-item/webinar-expertos-el-proyecto-de-ley-de-vivienda-a-debate/


Dr. Estela Rivas Nieto has published the chapter ” La tributación de las cooperativas de vivienda” (Taxation of housing cooperatives) in the monograph Fiscalidad del cohousing (Taxation of cohousing) by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.

Link: https://www.thomsonreuters.es/es/tienda/duo-papel-ebook/fiscalidad-del-cohousing-duoduo/p/10018994



Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla writes for the Diari de Tarragona about the intermediate city.

Link: https://www.diaridetarragona.com/economia/La-ciudad-intermedia-20220214-0017.html



Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno speaks for La Sexta about whether 2022 is a good year to buy a home.

Link: https://www.lasexta.com/noticias/economia/2022-buen-ano-comprar-vivienda_202202106204babe7c02ce00017e0696.html



Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno participated on 2 February 2022 in the “Webinar SRP-22: Squatting and social housing” within the framework of the training sessions organised by the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) due to the Festivity of Sant Raimon de Penyafort. Dr. Simón addressed the problem of squatting from the perspective of property rights and the right to housing.

Link: https://www.icab.es/es/formacion/cursos/Webinar-SRP-22-Ocupacion-ilegal-y-vivienda-social-presencial/?fbclid=IwAR2X5xhr6ZMCbzGFB2bamzqEIZdFvrbiGtjBHcrOfrVGp34tahENb0w2U28


Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno speaks for La Sexta about squatting.
