
Debate and presentation of the report Concrete Actions for Social and Affordable Housing in the EU. Next Monday, December 13th, 6pm. The (online) event Social and affordable housing in the EU will be dedicated to the presentation of the policy study Concrete Actions for Social and Affordable Housing in the EU, by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre-Aznar and Dr. Núria Lambea-Llop (coauthors of the study), which will then be discussed in a panel with Czech experts. The debate will be broadcast on Facebook as well. Simultaneous translation into Czech will be provided during the debate. The event is organised by the Masaryk Democratic Academy.

More information and registration at:


Pilot projects

On November 30, 2021 the researchers of the UNESCO Housing Chair Dr. Núria Lambea and Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez concluded the presentations of the “Certificado de Buena Gestión de Vivienda Social (CVS)” [Certificate of Good Social Housing Management (CVS)] to the institutions that support the project: Ayuntamiento de Reus, Servicio Municipal de la Vivienda y Actuaciones Urbanas S.A. (SMHAUSA) and Fundación Hàbitat3.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for El País about the rents for the weakest in the city center. Link:

Monitoring committiee

On December 3, the 8th Monitoring Committee of the Housing Chair was held with all its partners and advisers.


The pre-doctoral researcher Silvana Canales Gutiérrez carried out a seminar called “Consumers vs digital platforms in the private international law arena”, on November 25, 2021, at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, in which she explained part of his doctoral thesis.


Conference on the Future of Europe

Dr. Núria Lambea will participate, on 9 December, in the Housing Event (Webinar) organised by the National University of Ireland Galway, in collaboration with the European Movement and The Housing Agency, in the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The Event will address the current and future role of the EU in guaranteeing the right of European citizens to decent, adequate and affordable housing. Precisely, presenters will address three questions: 1.What is the EU doing well in the area? 2. What does the EU need to do to improve in the area? 3.What their ideal Europe would look like in the next 10-20 years?

Registration (free):

Full Description of the event available at:




The video of the Forum “Housing and young people: Is ownership possible? organized by the Fundación del Notariado.
