
The Chair organizes the 22nd Interdisciplinary Workshop: “Towards the smart city: technological, sustainable and inclusive”, this Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 12:00h in person.

The seminar will be led by Dr. Isabel de la Iglesia, Professor of the Faculty of Law at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), and aims to analyze the growing technological innovation, the problems that arise after the imbalance produced in the environment, and the increasing social differentiation of all kinds makes us move towards a new model: the smart city, where sustainable development is one of the main objectives, and all for reasons of social justice.

To confirm attendance, please contact:

Book Release

The Chair, in collaboration with the Dominican Judicial Observatory (OJD), organizes on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. the act of presentation of the book entitled “The real estate trust and foreign investment as instruments to mitigate the housing deficit” work of Dra. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla, which is part of the collection of books “Housing Law” of the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house.

The presentation will be given by Dr. Luis Gonzalo Baena, a professor at the Externado de Colombia University, and Mr. Aquiles Calderón, a lawyer specialized in fiduciary administration.

The event will be streamed live from Funglode’s YouTube channel: Link

The information of the book is in:

The video of the presentation is in:



Dr. Blanca Deusdad Ayala has obtained the Social Impact Award from the Consell Social of the URV for her research project Socatel.



You will not own anything and you will be happy. Diari de Tarragona. Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar




Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre speaks to Confilegal about the lights and shadows of the Government’s measures on rent.




On November 12, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the Forum of the Notarial Foundation talking about housing and young people: Is property possible?



Doctoral thesis

The Housing Chair of the URV offers the possibility of doing a PhD in Law through a doctoral thesis on the challenges in decision-making in multi-unit buildings.

The call through which the program is hosted is:   and it is opened until 11th of November, 2021.

For more information, you can contact



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar writes for Hay Derecho about The perfect storm that precedes the housing law.



Doctors Graduation Ceremony and Extraordinary Awards 2019-20 URV

Dr. Gemma Caballé and Dr. Núria Lambea received, last Thursday October 28, the Extraordinary PhD Award 2019-20, as well as the PhD diploma, in the framework of the Doctors Graduation Ceremony of 2019-20 and 2020-21 and Extraordinary Awards 2018-19 and 2019-20. Both their doctoral thesis supervisor, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre and their family members also attended the event, which was finally a live in-person event.

Dr. Caballé had the honor of representing through a speech the winners of the Extraordinary PhD Award Ceremony.

V Congress of Catalan Advocacy

On November 4, the V Congress of Catalan Law is held, in which Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participates in Panel I, the Right to Housing. The congress program can be found at: