
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar is interviewed by Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona.



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks to El País about the Lagasca 99 project..



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks for the Cinco días about beyond the youth bond: Europe prioritizes social housing and rehabilitation. Link:


Counting roofless population in Tarragona: 9th November 2021. Would you like to volunteer?

The Xarxa d’Atenció Integral de Persones Sense Llar de Tarragona (Network for Homeless people in Tarragona) is leading, once again (after the ones in 2017 and 2019), the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona. It will take place the night of the 9th to the 10th of November 2021. These Countings are crucial to give dimension and to shape up the issue of homelessness in our city, consisting on one of the first steps to tackle this phenomenon.

The UNESCO Housing Chair is part of the Network for Homeless people in Tarragona and will be actively involved in this counting (as we already did the two previous ones).

Check the following link for more information and also for registering as a volunteer:



On October 25 at 6:00 p.m. the virtual seminar “Housing and Mediterranean city: coast, climate justice and cultural legacy” will be held, within the framework of the Urban October 2021 activities organized annually by the United Nations. This time the event focuses on the climate crisis, under the slogan “Better city, better life.” For more information:




Municipal Action Plan for Housing

Last Wednesday, October 20, the Altafulla City Council’s Municipal Action Plan for Housing, which the Chair has drawn up, was presented at a public hearing.

Presentation link:


Reus TV Channel

Andrés Labella Iglesias talks about the support model and its relationship with buildings under the horizontal property regime on Canal Reus TV.



Tuesday 19th  of October Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Dra. Gemma Caballé have been invited to the Plenary Session of the General Council of Real Estate Agents (CGCOAPI) to explain the conclusions of the book “The real estate brokerage profession in the face of new housing challenges” published by Tirant lo blanch as a result of the doctoral thesis made by Dr. Caballé and directed by Prof. Dr. Nasarre.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks to El País about: renting with the minimum wage is an impossible mission.


Municipal housing action program

On Wednesday, October 20, the Altafulla City Council’s Municipal Housing Action Program, which has been drawn up by the members of the Chair, is presented to the public.