Presentation of paper at the ENHR Conference

Last Tuesday, August 31, Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno participated in the ENHR international conference “Unsettled settlements: housing in unstable contexts”. Dr. Simón presented the paper “The” Spain 2050 “long-term national initiative and the first Spanish housing law: a step in the right direction towards a sustainable territorial modelo?” in the “Southern European Housing” Working Group.


Last Tuesday, August 31, Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra participated virtually in the ENHR international congress, which had to be held in Niosia (Cyprus), at the “Housing Law” Workshop to explain some of the conclusions of her doctoral thesis published this year to discuss them with the rest of the participants. Specifically, the title of her presentation was “The real estate agent profession in Europe”.

Doctoral scholarship in the field of housing law and new technologies

Would you like to become a PhD student in the field of law and new technologies? The Housing Research Group of the Rovira i Virgili University offers the doctoral scholarship “housing and blockchain” within the Martí i Franquès Programme. The selected student will start his/her PhD on the applications of blockchain technology, smart contracts and tokenisation in housing management and transactions (acquisition of housing, tenancy contracts, mortgage loans, management of communities and cooperatives, etc. ). The deadline for applications is 6 September 2021. All the information about the project and the requirements may be found at: and