From August 30 to September 2, the largest international congress of researchers on housing takes place: the ENHR – European Network for Housing Research congress. This time it will be virtual from Nicosia. All the information about it at https://cyprusconferences.org/enhr2021/. It will have a large representation of interventions by researchers from the Unesco Housing Chair of the URV.


Advanced diploma for real estate agents and property management organized by the Chair responds to the need to accredit a training level by those who carry out the real estate activity and offers you all the tools and skills necessary to practice the profession with all the guarantees.

It is virtual and is approved by the Catalan Housing Agency and its completion allows registration in the Register of Real Estate Agents of Catalonia.

All the information is in: https://housing.urv.cat/en/cover/docencia/estate-agent-course/






In these uncertain times, it is important to have good professionals, properly trained. This is essential in the area of ​​conflict resolution. Mediation, when done well, accompanies the parties to resolve the problem that separates them on their own. The postgraduate degree in mediation and conflict resolution organized by the Chair guarantees the best training. We leave you a video that explains it better: https://youtu.be/RnYC_YY5FJE.

All the information is in: https://housing.urv.cat/en/cover/docencia/mediation/




The Postgraduate course in housing policies offers you all the necessary tools to understand, design and apply housing policies in both the public and private spheres.

Train with the best specialists in housing matters recognized by UNESCO with knowledge and materials from science, with interdisciplinary and international content.

All the information is in: https://housing.urv.cat/en/cover/docencia/postgrau-en-politiques-dhabitatge/

Diari de Tarragona

Imagine, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar writes for the Diari de Tarragona.
