
Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar speaks to El Mundo about: neither buying nor renting: the challenge of having a roof to live in when young.


On the occasion of the recent approval of Law 8/2021, of 2nd June, on support for the exercise of the capacity of people with disabilities, on 8th July at 11 a.m., the researcher of the team Andrés Labella will participate in a webinar organised by the third sector organisation DINCAT, whose objective is the defence of the rights of people with intellectual disabilities, with the aim of putting into context the multiple aspects involved in the new model of disability, which ends up with the classic legal procedures of incapacitation, in order to move towards a new model of support based on respect for human rights and the will, wishes and preferences of people with disabilities on an equal opportunities with others.

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Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar was invited to give a session on July 1 in the Real Estate Law course at the School of Legal Practice of the Complutense University, where he conversed in a mixed way with the students about the housing crisis in the last fifteen years.