
The recording ” Conversaciones con Gemma Caballé” ” is now available in the CONVERSACIONES de SIRA-CRS Spain  where she spoke about the challenges posed by the profession of real estate brokerage, the possible new functions of real estate agents and other issues of interest to all professionals in this sector.


Participation in international seminar – EVICT European Project

Dr. Héctor Simón was invited on June 21, 2021 to participate in an international seminar within the framework of the European EVICT Project (, which analyzes how the right to housing prevent people from being evicted. His presentation focused on “The potential impact of human and fundamental rights in eviction procedure and the right to property: what are the limits?”. A lively discussion with the audience followed his presentation.


The Colegio de Registradores de España organizes on July 1 a seminar on housing in 2050 where Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno and Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel will participate. The link is:



The recording of the interview of Mrs. Dolors Camats from the COV with Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar about functional alternatives to tenure and access to housing is available.





In these uncertain times, it is important to have good professionals, properly trained. This is essential in the area of ​​conflict resolution. Mediation, when done well, accompanies the parties to resolve the problem that separates them on their own. The postgraduate degree in mediation and conflict resolution organized by the Chair guarantees the best training. We leave you a video that explains it better:

All the information is in:



The Threshold

The UNESCO Housing Chair of Rovira i Virgili University celebrates the good reception of the courtesy copies of the “The Threshold” simulation experience, and especially the support of the institutions specialized in homelessness issues, these actions allow the continuation of the transfer of specialized knowledge.

In this opportunity ASSÍS Centre d´Acollida confirms its reception and in a particular way recommends the aforementioned role play “so that secondary school students put themselves in the shoes of people at risk of social exclusion.” For more information click the link.

The Threshold project is at:


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre speak for Cinco Dias about rental prices.


The Chair organizes the Congress on national housing on collaborative housing and territory


Diari de Tarragona

Digital co-creation: the European project Socatel. Diari de Tarragona. Dra. Blanca Deusdad.

Project link:



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar talks to El País about whether it is a good time to buy a home.