Diari de Tarragona

Dra. Milenka Villca Pozo wrote in the Diari de Tarragona on “Shared homes and the tourist tax”, 04/11/2021

Link: https://www.diaridetarragona.com/economia/Los-hogares-compartidos-y-el-impuesto-turistico-20210412-0046.html


Closing ceremony of the 8th Edition of the Course “Real Estate Agent and Property Management”

On March 27 took place the last session and closing ceremony of the 8th edition of the course “Real Estate Agent and Property Management”. The event was attended by the director of the course, Dr. Héctor Simón, as well as Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Director of the UNESCO Housing Chair of University Rovira i Virgili, and Mr. José Antonio Mas, President of the Association of Real Estate Agents of Tarragona.

First Training Activity in the Housing + project framework

On 24, 25 and 26 March, the UNESCO Housing Chair URV coordinated the first training days (Training Activity 1) of the European Housing + project (https://www.housingplus.eu ) for the internal training of the consortium’s partners in the field of housing and techniques of virtual training.

Diari de Tarragona

Dra. Gemma Caballé Fabra writes  for the Diari de Tarragona about “Viviendas, fiestas ilegales y policías”. 06/04/2021.

Link: https://www.diaridetarragona.com/opinion/Viviendas-fiestas-ilegales-y-policias-20210406-0005.html