
The Chair presents the international report on good practices in affordable housing

The report is accessible at:

The collection “Law of housing” by the publisher Tirant lo Blanch

The books of the Collection are in:

The Tirant lo Blanch publishing house has obtained the 2020 Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts for the collection “Cinema and Law” More information about the Medal at:


The Journal of the  Col·legi d’Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d’Edificació de Tarragona publishes the article: “The COATT becomes part of the Housing Chair of the URV”, no. 89, 2021.




The investigation in Dret ficada al servei de la societat; Tarragona Digital publishes the article “Coneixement, interest and pedagogy: The Càtedra d’Habitatge of the URV is posed at the service of realistic politics:


A new review of the book by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar “Los años de la crisis de la vivienda” by Dr. Cristina Argelich, from the University of Cádiz, has been published and published in Dereito. It can be consulted at:


On February 23 from 10am to 1pm the Seminar will be held How Covid-19 has affected older adults’ and their housing conditions del ENHR working group Housing and living conditions of ageing populations.

In many countries those that have suffered the most during the pandemic, belong to the target group of our particular working group: older adults. As such, we find it of great importance to take this opportunity to present up-to date research and to provide a forum for discussion.

To participate in the webinar send an e-mail to Dra. Blanca Deusdad:

We know there is ongoing research on the topic of the webinar and those of you interested in presenting such research are welcome to do so. Send us a title and a short abstract of your presentation and we will provide a slot in the schedule. The deadline for sending your abstract or presentation is 8th February 2021.

International online seminar

A webinar on the topic “Covid-19 and housing” will be held online on Friday, 26 February 2021 (10:00h CET), organised by the Southern European Housing Working Group of the European Network for Housing Research ( Papers are welcome to be presented during the Webinar, which will be included in the series of online seminars on “Housing Related Impacts of the Pandemic” organised by the ENHR (12-28 February 2021). Those researchers interested can contact:


Agenda no. 13 which includes, among others, the 10 webinars organized by the Chair since the beginning of the pandemic, the presentation of the report on affordable housing cases “Housing for all”, the Postgraduate course on housing policies, local housing plans and the Housing + project.



Prof. Dr. Sergio has spoken to Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona about the housing situation.