Book “La gran apuesta”

The book “La gran apuesta” by Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar has been published, contextualizing the film of the same title: greed without limits or control in the mortgage market and betting against it.

El libro se enmarca en la Colección de Cine y Derecho de la editorial Tirant lo Blanch que ha obtenido la Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes 2020.

The book is part of the Film and Law Collection of the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house, which has obtained the Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes 2020.

More information about the Medal at:

More information about the book at:




“Llueve sobre mojado: el problema del acceso a la vivienda en un contexto de pandemia”. Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Derecho Privado y Constitución, núm. 37, july/december 2020.



The Chair collaborates with the Altafulla City Council for the drafting of its Municipal Housing Action Program.


Publication of the ENHR Newsletter

The European Network for Housing Research has just published its Newsletter 4/2020, in which it refers to some of the news from the URV UNESCO Chair on Housing. We can highlight the publication of the books ” La intermediación inmobiliaria ante los nuevos retos de la vivienda” (Dr. Gemma Caballé Fabra) and “La Gran Apuesta. Avaricia. El beneficio sin responsabilidad” (Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar). It is available at the following link:

Universal accessibility

The Chair has adhered to the Manifesto to promote universal accessibility as a priority: comprehensive rehabilitation of the home of the Fundación Mutua de Propietarios.


Solidarity Videos

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar participates in the Marato2020 Covid Salou with a video to explain the impact of the covid on the housing market. The video is in:

All videos are in:


You can already see on Youtube the lecture of Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar in the Workshop The Tenure of Housing in times of Pandemic organized by the Observatorio del Derecho a la Ciudad de Argentina.


Project: Bridging the gap in Housing Studies (Housing+)

Financing entity:  European Commission

Coordination: Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar

Partners: UNESCO Housing Chair of URV, University of Slasky,  NUI Galway, International Union of Property Owners (UIPI), Asociación Iberoamericana del Conocimiento (GECON), Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).

Duration: 3 years


The European Commission has awarded the UNESCO Chair in Housing an Erasmus plus project entitled “Bridging the gap in housing studies” (Housing +), which aims to improve the academic training at European level of professionals, policy makers, academics and the rest of operators in general that participate in the housing and real estate sector.

The UNESCO Chair in Housing will coordinate for three years the development of training materials and resources that will be carried out working together with other expert institutions in housing and training such as the University of Silesia (Poland), the National University of Ireland in Galway (Ireland), the International Union of Property Owners (UIPI), Asociación Iberoamericana del Conocimiento (GECON) specialized in gamification, that is, learning through play and the Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) expert in new technologies .

With this project we have the chance to improve academic training in this sector at a European level through the creation of training materials with interdisciplinary content. We have planned the development of six training materials:

  1. An online advanced training course in housing for said professionals and students.
  2. A guide to incorporate gamification in housing training. 
  3. An app to be able to put the contents into practice and know the consequences of decisions from different points of view (consumers, real estate professionals and policy makers).
  4. The first transnational manual on housing studies.
  5. Training videos.
  6. The design of an online course on what it means to live in horizontal property in Europe.

We hope that this project will improve academic training in this sector. The objective is to improve consumer protection, housing policies and a greater professionalization of a sector where what is at stake is the human right to access to decent and adequate housing.

European Comission

The study “Study on switching of financial services and products” has been published where Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has contributed by analyzing the greater or lesser difficulty of consumers in changing banks with their financial products, including mortgages, in Europe. The idea of the euro mortgage is recovered so as not to have to depend on national banks.


Report on the adaptation of catalan laws to the new york convention -CRPD-

The researchers of the team Héctor Simón and Andrés Labella, within the framework of the national pact for the rights of persons with disabilities promoted by the generalitat de catalunya and COCARMI, are preparing a report on the adaptation of catalan legislation to the cdpd with the aim of responding to the mandate of member states to modify internal regulations in accordance with the new social model of disability. it is added to the studies carried out and the projects underway about right of accessibility, article 9 CDPD, and the result of the report will also be presented in accessible format based on universal design criteria, to ensure access to information and access to justice for all people.