
Dr. Alessandro Dinisi has defended his doctoral thesis “Situazioni di fatto e tutela del diritto all’abitzione” at the University of Pisa, co-directed by Prof. E. Navarretta and Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre. 15/09/2020.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre speaks to TV3 about the Rent Price Control Law. 13/09/2020


Diari de Tarragona

“Los alquileres de la oclocracia”, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Diari de Tarragona, 12/09/2020

Mediation Specialist Diploma

The Chair and the FURV organize the 8th Edition of the approved Postgraduate Diploma in Mediation and Conflict Resolution.


Postgraduate in Housing Policy

The next academic year, the UNESCO Housing Chair URV completes his training in housing with a new University Postgraduate in Housing Policies, unique in its kind. He joins the postgraduate course in mediation and the course of real estate agents, both approved and going for its 8th edition.

The teaching of the Postgraduate in Housing Policies will be virtual and pre-registration is now open. The program are in:

Diari de Tarragona

“Covid-19 and the use of technology”. Article by Dra. Blanca Deusdad: this is an article about the use of new technologies addressing real social needs and following ethics procedures, giving as example the SoCaTel project  (06/09/2020).


Advanced course for real estate agents and property management

The 8th Edition of the Advanced course for real estate agents and property management, promoted by the UNESCO Housing Chair and the College of Real Estate Agents of Tarragona.


Collaboration with the magazine “Consell”

The magazine of property managers in Catalonia has published the article of the researcher of the UNESCO Housing Chair, Dr. Gemma Caballé, published in “Diari de Tarragona” on May 10 (núm. 123). The article analyses the new dynamics in condominiums since COVID-19 and the new role that property managers could have in this sense.


Three URV experts analyze the changes that the coronavirus has produced, one of them is Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre (Diari de Tarragona, 30/08/2020).