Meeting on Inclusive Habitat for all

Last Tuesday, August 25th our colleague Andrés Labella participated in the meeting on “Inclusive Habitat for all: kids, elderly people and people with disabilities” organized by the Coordinator “We Are the city Who we Inhabit it” in the framework of the campaign “Urban Environmental Plan from citizenship and for the Common Good”. Different issues related to the right to the city, such as the accessibility of public space, were addressed, and contributions were made in relation to the diversity of forms of housing tenure and mutual support networks provided for in Catalan law. The link of the meeting can be found on the youtube channel of the entity the Observatory of the Right to the City:



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has spoken for the Diari de Tarragona about “The pandemic makes the emancipation of young people even more difficult” (26/08/2020). The link is


A webinar on the topic “Post-COVID Housing Challenges in Southern Europe” will be held online on Thursday and Friday, 19-20 November 2020, organised by the Southern European Housing Working Group ENHR ( Papers are welcome to be presented during the Webinar. Please send your abstracts by 11 September 2020.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre spoke on the 24th of August in the program “Aqui l’estiu” of the SER Catalonia channel. The link is:



On August 6, the first working meeting of the Unesco Housing Chair URV took place since March. The 50 items on the agenda were reviewed. Much work done, despite the circumstances and hope for the future.


Prof. Dr Sergio Nasarre has intervened in the Telenoticias de TV3 talking about the Covid and its impact on rents (17/08/2020).


Dr. Héctor Simón has talken about the occupations in the Telenoticies de TV3 (13/08/2020).


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has participated on August 12 in the program El Món a Rac 1. You can listen to it from minute 39 on:



La Vanguardia interviewed Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre “We are going towards a society of rich owners and poor tenants” (08/09/2020).


In the following link they find 28 informative videos of some research topics that we develop at the Unesco Housing Chair: access and loss of housing, mortgage, rent, crowdfunding, mediation, social housing, tourism, squatting, disability, real estate agents, collaborative housing, among others.