Postgraduate in Housing Policy

The next academic year, the UNESCO Housing Chair URV completes his training in housing with a new University Postgraduate in Housing Policies, unique in its kind. He joins the postgraduate course in mediation and the course of real estate agents, both approved and going for its 8th edition.

The teaching of the Postgraduate in Housing Policies will be virtual and pre-registration is now open. The program are in:

Special issue of the magazine “Housing” on housing and COVID-19

This special issue of the JOURNAL OF THE UNESCO HOUSING CHAIRis dedicated to “Housing and Covid-19”. Throughout its more than 80 pages, the fourteen authors analyze what the reality of housing has been like during the pandemic and reflect on what it could be like in the coming months.

In addition, the number includes the numerous legislative changes that have appeared in the last six months, a review of the 36 activities of the Chair carried out in this period, including the defense of two doctoral theses, and the two books that our researchers have published.




Interview with prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre on “Incentive measures are necessary to help boost the rent.”

Tv Reus, 21/07/2020



Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Dr. Héctor Simón. “Housing not for all: The lack of universal accessibility to housing in multi-unit buildings in Spain, Sweden and Germany”.



On Thursday, July 23, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participates in the “Real Estate Literature Showcase” organized by API-Col·legis i Associació d’Agents Immobiliaris.



Interview with Dr. Héctor Simón on the accessibility of buildings


Published the book “La tokenización de bienes en blockchain: cuestiones civiles y tributarias”, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi

The UNESCO Housing Chair has recently published the book  “La tokenización de bienes en blockchain: cuestiones civiles y tributarias” [The tokenization of goods in blockchain: private and tax law issues] (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2020), which derives from the research carried out within the framework of the “Collaborative Housing” project (Ministerio de Economía, 2018) and the project “The tokenization of real rights in the regulation of the fifth book of the Catalan Civil Code” (CEJFE, 2019).

The present work is dedicated to the study of the legal consequences of the representation of the ownership and other limited real rights in digital tokens that operate in a blockchain. This technological practice makes it possible to represent a certain right (for example, the ownership of a home) in a digital token, which can be negotiated in an agile or even automatic way, thanks to smart contracts, while it is registered in a cryptographically protected distributed blockchain. This makes possible, at least theoretically, a faster, affordable and transnational transmission of goods. However, this system presents some challenges for our private and tax law system.

You can find more information here:


Benecon University Consortium UNESCO Chair

The interactive World Map containing all the UNESCO Chairs in the world has been published, which includes the UNESCO Housing Chair URV.


To Dr. Blanca Deusdad on the crisis of the dependency system in the context of COVID-19 and the task of the Socatel project.