Conference at the Cervantes Institute in Sydney, Australia

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has given the lecture “Are robots going to be our new flatmates? How housing is going to look like in the future?” on February 17 at the Cervantes Institute in Sydney, Australia.


Homelessness Comprehensive Care Network

The annual plenary meeting of the Homelessness Comprehensive Care Network of Tarragona was held last Thursday, February 6. The UNESCO Housing Chair is part of this Network, along with 26 other entities, which aims to work in a coordinated manner to address the phenomenon of homelessness in the city.

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Collaboration with TV Reus

Last Monday, February 17, our partner Andrés Labella was interviewed on TV Reus to explain the role that the right to housing plays in making possible the right to life independently and in the community recognized in article 19 of the Convention of New York, as well as the Catalan strategy for deinstitutionalization. The interview is available at the following link:



Local Housing Plan of the City of Tarragona

The UNESCO Housing Chair participates in the drafting of the Local Housing Plan of the City of Tarragona.–20200217-0058.html

Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI)

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre has visited the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) in Melbourne (Australia), on February 14, to learn about the coordination of research and the transfer of knowledge on housing.

Participating in the Catalan Tv3 Channel

Dr. Núria Lambea was invited last February 6 to talk about the Barcelona social housing APROP and about the right to housing in the Tv show “Tot es mou” of the Catalan Public Channel.


Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla has published the article “Leasing habitacional o alquiler con opción a compra financiero” in the Aleph Jurídico of journal This time, she examines the atypical contractual figure of leasing applied to the residential market of access to housing and an instrument of financial inclusion. In her analysis she details the application of this financial product according to the laws of Honduras, Chile and Colombia, as well as the advantages of the implementation of this figure to contribute to the solution of housing problems in other States.

International conference

On February 13, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre gave the conference “Success of Spanish condominiums and theur challenges in post-crisis millennial times” at the International Research Forum on Multi-Owned properties of Deakin University in Melburne, Australia.

8th International Workshop

On February 5, Prof. Dr. Dr. Christoph U. Schmid gave the lecture “Alleviating Housing Shortage and Intensification through Rent Freeze and Rent Caps? The case of the City of Berlin ”, within the framework of the 8th International Workshop organized by the UNESCO Housing Chair of the URV.