Seminar about “masoveria urbana”

Last Friday, January 24, Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel participated in the seminar “Masoveria urbana”, organized by the association Amics i amigues de la Natura de les Masies and with the collaboration of the City Councils of Roda de Ter and les Masies.


Lecture at the LLM International & Comparative Business Law, National University of Ireland

Dr. Héctor Simón has delivered the lecture “Property in Civil Law and Common Law”, for the second consecutive year, at the LLM International & Comparative Business Law of the National University of Ireland, Galway. This Master has been considered as the Postgraduate Course of the Year in Law in Ireland in 2019. More information about the Master is available at:


Construir viviendas asequibles no es una entelequia y hay ciudades que lo demuestran, 25/01/2020

Collaboration with TV Reus

On Monday, January 20, Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel was interviewed on TV Reus to explain legal amendments on rental housing and which modifications would be desirable to guarantee that private rental markets are a stable, flexible and affordable alternative to homeownership. The interview is available at the following link:

Journal of the UNESCO Housing Chair

The 12 issue of the journal Housing has been published:


Publication in international journal

Dr. Héctor Simón has published the paper “Towards a common standard of protection of the right to housing in Europe through the Charter of Fundamental Rights”, with Dr. Padraic Kenna as a co-author, in the European Law Journal. The paper explores the extent to which the European Charter of Fundamental Rights can help to enhance the protection of the right to housing. More information available at: at

Emma López interview

In order to be a mediator, you must conixer els teus prejudicis

Diari de Tarragona, 22/01/2020


Diari de Tarragona

New options to mediate

Emma López, Diari de Tarragona, 19/01/2020

European day of mediation, 21th January 2019

On the occasion of the European day of mediation, the library of the URV at the Catalunya Campus offers some books, journals and films about the topic.

More information here: