Panel of experts – Catalonia Urban Agenda

Prof. Sergio Nasarre and Dr. Estela Rivas participated at the Catalonia Urban Agenda – panel of experts.

More information:

Videos from these sessions may be found at:

Advisory Council of the Mutua de Propietarios Foundation

Prof. Sergio Nasarre was appointed member of the Advisory Council of the Mutua de Propietarios Foundation, in the first meeting of this organization in Madrid on June 13.

The researcher Gemma Caballé teaches a training session in the Postgraduate course on housing policies at SERT school of the COAC

On July 16, the researcher Gemma Caballé of the UNESCO Housing Chair gave a training session at the postgraduate course on housing policies of the SERT school form the Bar Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) about the housing research carried out at the UNESCO Housing Chair, as well as its social impact

New book chapter: Comentarios a la ley catalana 15/2009, de 22 de julio, de mediación

Emma López contributed to the book Comentarios a la ley catalana 15/2009, de 22 de julio, de mediación en el ámbito del derecho privado y concordantes, published by Marcial Pons and directed by Prof. from the University of Barcelona, ​​Isabel Viola Demestre. It is a collective work that analyzes in depth the mediation Law in force in Catalonia.

7th edition of the Course on Real Estate Agent and Property Management – Foundation URV

The registration period of the 7th Edition of the Course on Real Estate Agent and Property Management promoted by the UNESCO Chair of Housing of the Rovira i Virgili University, in collaboration with the College of Real Estate Agents of Tarragona, is open. The professional training required to act as Real Estate Agent in Catalonia is accredited by completing this course, which allows to be entered into the Catalan Register of Real Estate Agents.

More information at:

Invited lecture

Dr. Angeles Galiana has given the invited lecture “The teaching of Law through cinema: the bet of Mario Ruiz”, in the VI Conference on Teaching Innovation: legal-social challenges in the European Union: from research to teaching, organized by the Teaching Innovation Group of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the Rovira i Virgili University, July 14, 2019, Tarragona.

New article: “A legal approach to real estate crowdfunding platforms”

Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel just published an article at the Computer Law and Security Review entitled “A legal approach to real estate crowdfunding platforms”. In this article the author analyses real estate crowdfunding platforms, their possible risks and liability, and the legal amendments that should be implemented to make this type of funding an alternative to traditional housing development. The pre-print version of this article may be found in the following link:

4th Affordable Housing Forum

The 4th Affordable Housing Forum “Strategies towards inclusive cities” will be held next 17th and 18th October in Tarragona. After taking place in Switzerland, Poland and Luxemburg, the fourth edition of the Affordable Housing Forum focuses on strategies to make cities more inclusive, which is in line with the New Urban Agenda. This conference is organised by ETH Wohnforum Zurich and UNESCO Housing Chair – Rovira i Virgili University, and distributed in four panels: UN Challenge for inclusive cities, Affordable and inclusive housing best practices in Europe, Inclusive urban design and Digital transformation in housing.

More information:

Presence of the Housing chair at the gala evening of the Real Estate Agents Bar Association of Tarragona

On the evening of July 12, the partner of the UNESCO Housing Chair, the Bar Association of Real Estate Agents of Tarragona, celebrated the traditional gala evening where the researchers Dr. Héctor Simón and Ms. Gemma Caballé attended as representatives of the Housing Chair.


Límites a los alquileres, un debate latente en España