The Threshold

The UNESCO Housing Chair has presented “The Threshold simulation experience to raise awareness about Homelessness” European Research Night of the URV on the 27th of September in Tarragona.

Start of the 7th Edition of the Estate Agent and Property Management course

On Saturday, September 28th, the first session of the 7th edition of the Estate Agent and Property Management course took place. This training course, organized jointly by the UNESCO Housing Chair and the Association of Real Estate Agents of Tarragona, responds to the need to have some kind of specific training backed up by a diploma on the part of people working as estate agents, as per Law 18/2007, of 28 December, on the Right to a Home, and Decree 12/2010, of 2 February, which regulates the requirements to exercise the activity of estate agent and creates the Registry of Estate Agents in Catalonia. More information available at:


Nº 9- September-October 2019

Participation in a seminar at the Santiago de Compostela University

Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel was invited to participate in the workshop Números, Tecnoloxía e Dereito at the Faculty of Law – Santiago de Compostela University. Her presentation covered the challenges and opportunities of using blockchain for accessing housing, and she had the opportunity to discuss about legal challenges of new technologies.

European Research Night

The Chair will participate at the European Research Night of the URV on the 27th September 2019 at Plaça Corsini in Tarragona. Researchers will present “THE THRESHOLD”, A SIMULATION EXPERIENCE TO RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT HOMELESSNESS” at 16:30.


Participation at the Property Managers Conference in Tarragona

On 27th and 28th September, Dr. Sergio Nasarre, Prof. Dr. Rosa M. Garcia and Mr. Andrés Labella, the three of them researchers from the Housing Chair, will participate at the Property Manargers Conference in Tarragona. Their presentations will focus on the new challenges of the rental market and on the legislation to remove architectural barriers.


Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla inaugurated an opinion space called “Aleph Jurídico” in the online magazine Through which it will share social and legal issues related specifically to  Housing Rights and its improvement in the Dominican Republic; the factors to overcome towards the development of a diversified and inclusive real estate market, as well as financial and legal developments that can have a positive impact in the residential market.The column began with an opinion article on the recent reform of  Trust law in the Dominican Republic, since the aforementioned modification deals directly with incentives to spur the development of affordable housing.

This first article has been titled: “La insuficiencia de la reforma de la Ley 189-11 para el desarrollo del mercado hipotecario y el fideicomiso en la República Dominicana”. Its purpose is to contribute to the reduction of the country’s housing deficit at the national level; and that it’s achievements can be emulated by other countries with the same housing challenges.


Estela Rivas Nieto, Les consequències fiscals del micromecenatge (Issues on crowdfunding taxation), Forum Jurídic, Revista de l’Il.lustre Col.legi de l’Advocacia de Tarragona, núm. 66, 07, 2019.


¿Rehabilitar o construir nueva vivienda?

Diari de Tarragona, 14/09/2019, Dra. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel


Diari de Tarragona

“Siempre nos quedará Europa”

Dr. Federico Adan Domenech, 11/09/2019