Posters in the I Congress on the right to personal autonomy

On October 21 and 22, 2019, the I Congress on the Right to Personal Autonomy took place at the International Convention Center of Barcelona (CCIB). The conclusions and presentations can be consulted in the following link: The UNESCO Housing Chair of the URV contributed to the presentation of two of the twenty participating posters.

The first poster presents the SOCATEL Project, which consists of a co-creative platform to implement long-term care laws for the elderly. It is a research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Program. Information can be expanded at the link:

The second poster with the name COMBIO240 tries to disseminate the knowledge of article 240 of the Civil Code of Catalonia on the mutual relations of mutual support and its potential to accomplish with article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) and Observation General 5 of the Convention Committee (2017).

Jury of the ADR Awards

On September 20, the jury of the ADR Awards, of which Emma López Solé is part, met to evaluate the candidates received in the 2019 edition of the ADR Awards of the Department of Justice of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Interview in Canal Reus

The last Monday 21th October the researcher of the Housing Chair Gemma Caballé was interviewed in Canal Reus to explain the regulation of the real estate agent’s profession in Spain and which guarantees have the consumers from these professionals.

See it in:

The house in 360º

Este jueves 31 de octubre en La Pedrera la Càtedra UNESCO d’Habitatge de la URV organiza el evento “La vivienda en 360º” que se centra en la problemática del acceso y en la de la pérdida de la vivienda. Además de las tres sesiones con expertos, se proyectará el documental “El umbral” y se mostrará la experiencia “El llindar”, destinados a la sensibilización sobre la problemática de la exclusión residencial y del sinhogarismo.

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El programa completo está disponible en


On October 14, the book entitled Advancing in inclusion was presented. Balance of achievements and pending agenda in Spanish disability law, Editorial Aranzadi, which includes the papers and communications presented to the II National Congress on the Rights of People with Disability, held in Pamplona in February 2019, and which account for the Advances achieved in recent years, among which the right to active and passive suffrage stands out.

As part of the research carried out in the Chair for the realization of the right to independent and community life recognized in article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, our colleague Andrés Labella presented a paper in Congress entitled The role of community environments in favor of the right to independent life.

Among the important issues of the pending agenda of the legislator, contributions can be found on the modification of the Civil Code for the adaptation to the support model of article 12 of the Convention, the modification of article 49 of the Spanish Constitution and the proposals for the elaboration of the National Cognitive Accessibility Plan.

The contents can be known in the following link:

Ministerio de Fomento

On October 23, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Dr. Estela Rivas met with the Director General of Architecture, Housing and Land, Mr. Javier Martín, to transfer the research carried out by the Chair.


Limitar el precio del alquiler en España como en Berlín: ¿qué puede salir mal?

El Periódico 23/10/2019



Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla has prepared for this month of October in her column of opinion Aleph Jurídico in the Magazine, a brief analysis of the project of reform of the Law that regulates the rental market of properties in the Dominican Republic (Decree-Law 4807 dated May 16, 1959, on Rent Control and Eviction and its modifications) , entitled “ El doble filo del proyecto de reforma de Ley de alquileres de inmuebles”.

Postgraduate in mediation

A new edition of the postgraduate course in mediation and resolution of conflicts that we promote has begun this week . Our students will work on various conflict resolution techniques, such as mediation, negotiation or circles, as well as communicative and soft management skills.

Publication of a doctoral dissertation

Tirant lo Blanch has recently published the doctoral dissertation of Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel, researcher from the Housing Chair, with the title “La sustitución de la renta por la rehabilitación o reforma de la vivienda en los arrendamientos urbanos”. This book studies the renovations in lieu of rent scheme, which was introduced in 2013 in art. 17.5 Urban Leases Act. This scheme allows a tenant with no liquidity to rent a housing without paying a rent in Money, but renovating it.