
Dr. Estela Rivas Nieto has published the chapter “Retos Tributarios del crowdfunding”, to the monograph Comercio internacional y economía col·laborativa en la era digital. Aspectos tributarios y empresariales of the editorial Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.


ENHR Coordination Committee meeting

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated in the ENHR Coordination Committee meeting that took place last week in Nicosia. Among other things, the venue and development of the ENHR 2020 Conference were discussed (08-11-2019). ENHR is the largest network of expert housing researchers in Europe.

International research partner

The Housing Chair of the URV will be one of the of the Department of Civil Law at the University of Malta in the project entitled ‘Systematising Smart Contracts within Classical Contract Law Theory’. The Department of Civil Law, of which a PhD graduate of the Housing Chair, Kurt Xerri, forms part, has been awarded a Research Excellence Grant of EUR 60k from the Research Grant Committee of the University of Malta, towards the end of conducting research on the legal effects of computer protocols containing partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing agreements.  This will be done over a two-year period from January 2020 to 2021.  As a partner, the URV will be involved in all the various stages of the project.

The Threshold

On the website you will find information about homelessness, the documentary “The Threshold” and the gamified experience ” The Threshold”. The website is in catalan, spanish and english.

Appointment as coordinator of the Southern European Housing Working Group of the ENHR network

Dr. Héctor Simón has been appointed coordinator of the Southern European Housing Working Group of the European Network for Housing Research, which brings together more than 800 researchers and 100 European institutions and aims to be a platform to encourage research in housing from an interdisciplinary perspective. The group addresses a variety of issues related to housing policies in Southern European countries and meets with an annual frequency. More information is available at

Maltese Law

5/11/2019: the Parliament of Malta unanimously approved the Private Residential Leases Act, a new law that will come into force on the 1st January 2020 and that will regularise the liberalised private rented sector in Malta.  The new law will make it obligatory for every lessor to register the rental agreement with the Housing Authority and it has also fixed a minimum contractual duration of one year, with the lessor being further bound to notify the lessee about any eventual renewal or termination of the agreement at least three months before its expiration.  The Private Residential Leases Act is the product of a research team co-ordinated by Kurt Xerri, a PhD graduate of the UNESCO Housing Chair, who is currently serving as an advisor to the Parliamentary Secretary for Social Accommodation, the Hon. Roderick Galdes.

IV International Congress for the Study of Mediation and Conflict

Mrs Emma López attended the IV International Congress for the Study of Mediation and Conflict, which took place in Murcia between the 3rd and 5th of October with the communication “The use of mediation in conflicts derived from contract leases”.

Conference: 360º housing

On October 31st, the Chair organized the Conference “Housing in 360º” at La Pedrera in Barcelona. You may find the program in the following link:

Predoctoral seminar

Second predoctoral seminar today with PhD candidates at the Unesco Housing Chair where they presented their progress on housing research. Have participated Paula Rodríguez, Silvana Canales, Andrés Labella and LLuc Font (06/11/2019).