
Prof. Dr. Nasarre’s talk on Collaborative Housing and Blockchain at the conference organised by the Regional Deanery of Registrars (Decanato autonómico de los Registradores). Barcelona, 28/02/2019.

Predoctoral seminar

Predoctoral seminar today with PhD candidates at the Unesco Housing Chair where they presented their progress on housing research



To keep updated of the Chair’s activities, you can download here the periodical publication “Agenda de vivienda”.


Infovivienda is a website promoted by the UNESCO Chair of Housing of the Rovira i Virgili University, which has the objective of making practical and rigorous information available to the public on the different forms of housing (property and mortgage, rent and intermediate tenures) and housing as a human right in the form of Q & A.

National Congress

Prof. Sergio Nasarre was invited as a speaker at the 4th National Congress on “Securitization and bank abuses”, organized by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and the association AHINOR in the municipality of Teror. Dr. Nasarre developed his paper on the recent Law of 21-2-2019 on real estate credit contracts, where he highlighted its shortcomings, especially with regard to the pre-contractual protection of the mortgage consumer in relation to the provisions of the Catalan Law 20/2014. The intervention was followed by an interesting debate.

UNI Habitat


Please find the compilation of all your inputs available in our UNI Website:

Publication of the Catalogue of services for homeless in Tarragona

The Catalogue of services for homeless in Tarragona has been published. It contains all the existing actors and resources for homeless people in Tarragona city. This Catalogue has been fostered and undertaken by the Xarxa d’Atenció Integral de Persones Sense Llarde Tarragona, a Network spurred by the Municipal Institute for Social Services in Tarragona (IMSST) and working for homeless people in this city. The UNESCO Housing Chair is part of this Network, together with public authorities, social entities and other university institutes. It has been created to give priority to homelessness within the social policies.

Look it up here:

Released the report of the European Commission about energy efficiency upgrades in multi-owner residential buildings

This report reviews the legal, management and administrative obstacles in multi-owner buildings in 7 selected Member States and identifies good practices that help overcome identified issues across these Member States. The information is collected through a questionnaire distributed to legal and energy efficiency experts at national level with the aim to deepen our understanding on the legal implications of the current apartment ownership and management structure in each country and identify energy efficiency policies that encourage investments in this field. A workshop was also organised in November 2017 in Brussels with the aim to discuss these issues in more detail and draw policy recommendations on how to revise existing condominium and rental acts to make them more conducive to energy efficiency upgrades and investments in apartment buildings. Prof. Nasarre has contributed with the Spanish system to the report.

The report may be found at:

Attendance to the Workshop “Home is the key”

Dr. Héctor Simón attended on Wednesday 13th of February the Workshop “The home is the key”, which took place at the Picasso Museum in Barcelona. The Workshop revolve around the last report of Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona on residential exclusion. Dr. Padraic Kenna, Lecturer at the National University of Ireland, took part as keynote speaker, and several experts, such as Javier Burón, Housing Manager of the City Council of Barcelona, Guillem Fernández, economist and Phd in public policies, Joan Batlle, Director of social programs of the Catalan Housing Agency, and Pablo Feu, lawyer expert in urban and housing law, took part in a round table on the “Housing as the new pillar of the Welfare State.”

II National Congress on the Law of Disability

On February 6, 7 and 8, the II National Congress on the Law of Disability was held at the Baluarte Conference Center in the city of Pamplona. The five panels of presentations stood out for their quality, addressing with courage the challenge represented by the adaptation of Spanish legislation to the social model of disability enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in force since 2008.

The chairman of the Codification Commission of the Spanish Civil Code, Mr. Antonio Pau, related the difficulties that had been generated by the drafting of the law for the modification of the Spanish Civil Code, in parliamentary procedure, and different researchers such as PhD Cristina Guilarte, Patricia Cuenca and Esperanza Alcaín, among others, highlighted the main challenges to be overcome jointly by all legal operators and society as a whole. Dr. Javier Miranda in his capacity as host, presented a study on accessibility and the gap between the law in force and its application.

Our colleague Andrés Labella developed a communication about the role that community environments can play as an alternative to institutionalization, as well as to avoid loneliness and social isolation of people in situations of dependency. This line of work is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
