Participation in the Real Estate Conference

Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel was speaker at Table 2 on the future of the rental market in the Real Estate Conference organized by the Association of Real Estate Agents of Girona. In her presentation, she presented the recent amendments of Law on Urban Leases and the legal reforms that are still necessary to make this type of tenure a true alternative to homeownership.

Lecture at a conference on squatting in residential buildings

Dr. Héctor Simon took part on Thursday 14 March 2019 in a seminar organised by the Regional Council of Vallès Oriental, with the presentation “Squatting in residential buildings and the fundamental rights at stake”. The Conference also addressed the procedural and criminal protection of homeowners and the role to be played by public administrations.


Publication of a paper on reverse mortgages

Dr. Héctor Simón has published the article “The regulation of reverse mortgages as a source of income in retirement: policy options and legal drivers” in the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (, which analyzes policy options to encourage the contracting of reverse mortgages from a legal perspective. A full-text view-only version of the paper is available at

Debate League

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre is a Jury member of the Debate League.


Diari de Tarragona

Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles

Andrés Labella, Diari de Tarragona, 10/03/2019


Prof. Nasarre was invited as a speaker in the collaborative economy research group of the Open University of Catalonia, where he gave the conference “Lights and shadows of the collaborative economy”. During the intervention, an interesting interdisciplinary debate was generated among all the researchers and assistant professors. 07/03/2019

Attendance to the seminar “Promoting the Right to Housing at the EU level: challenges and policy proposals”

Dr. Héctor Simón attended the seminar on “Promoting the Right to Housing at the EU Level: Challenges and Policy Proposals”, organized by the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), in which the “Municipalist Declaration of Local Governments for the Right to Housing and the Right to the City” was discussed. This Declaration calls for a more relevant role of cities and municipalities to guarantee the right to housing and the right to the city.


On March 4th, Dr. Nasarre was invited to the dinner at the Rotary Club in Tarragona where he presented the paper “What do we do about housing?”, which was followed by interesting questions and an intense debate.

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony of the del Advanced course for real estate agents and property management (02/03/2019)