
Participation of Dr. Sergio Nasarre a: 45th UIPI  International Congress: Collaborative Economy In the Real Estate Sector: An Opportunity For Europe

The International Union of Property Owners (UIPI) held its 45th International Congress in Rome, Italy, from 6 to 9 June 2019, to discuss the growing importance of the collaborative economy in the real estate sector, and the opportunities and challenges it entails for European property owners. 

The Congress, hosted by Confedilizia, the Italian property owners’ association, brought together more than 150 representatives from all over Europe, together with EU and national policy-makers, experts from the housing and real estate sectors as well as high-profile researchers.

Collaborative business models are reshaping the short-term accommodation market by creating new sources of income and employment opportunities for European citizens. At the same time, local housing markets and direct neighbourhoods are concerned by this new phenomenon, sometimes with adverse consequences.

To overcome these challenges, the Italian Undersecretary for Economic Development, Andrea Cioffi, underlined the need to create the tools that enable citizens to fully benefit from these new business models, while Mara Carfagna – Vice-President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies – stressed in her welcome message the crucial importance of property owners’ organisations in this regard, especially in providing information, analyses and ideas for decision-makers.

Giorgio Spaziani Testa, President of Confedilizia, highlighted a key aspect of collaborative short-term rentals, stating that “the sharing economy can help families in smaller cities and rural areas pay their taxes as well as revive entire villages.

In an attempt to reconcile all interests at stake, the President of UIPI, Stratos Paradias, emphasised the need for careful and well-thought policies: “What we need is a comprehensive, inclusive and balanced approach which could ensure harmony in our communities, enabling us to move forward, whilst preserving the legacy we bring with us, notably our values, our common heritage and property.


Dr. Diana Marín and Dr. Estela Rivas have given the presentations called “Platform economy and international litigation in the labour field” and “Participatory financing platforms”, respectively, at the conference: “Transnational trade-digital economy: taxes and customs”, which took place in Tarragona.


Ms. Sonia Olea, who works in the Advocacy Team of Cáritas Española, visited the UNESCO Housing Chair yesterday. She is a lawyer in the Legal Support Group and an expert on human rights, housing and poverty criminalisation fields.

5th Summer Course

The protection of Spanish mortgage debtors. The new Law 5/2019.



Participation of Land Registrars in the University Master in Business and Contract Law

The land registrar D. Francisca Hernández delivered a lecture in the subject “Real Estate Contracts” of the University Master in Business and Contract Law of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of University Rovira i Virgili on 21 May 2019. The land registrar outlined the key concepts from the Spanish mortgage and land registry law related to real estate contracts and raised case studies on this subject.

Big Blue Book

The UN “Big Blue Book” has been published. It gathers 70 Universities worldwide that contribute, thanks to their research in the field of cities and urban studies, to achieve the global challenge number 11 (sustainable cities). Our UNESCO Housing Chair is located within these 70 Universities this year. Yo can find the link here:

German Government

On the 22nd and 23rd of May the biannual meeting with the group of experts that advises the German Government on housing in Europe for its presidency of the European Commission in 2020 attended by Dr. Sergio Nasarre took place in Bonn.

Becas curso 2019-2020 URV

Abierta la convocatoria de becas de acceso a los títulos propios de postgrado de la FURV: para máster, diplomas de postgrado y otros programas formativos