Diari de Tarragona

“El modelo catalán de las viviendas colaborativas”, Andrés Labella Iglesias, Diari de Tarragona 13/10/2019

European Commission

Prof. Sergio Nasarre participated in a session with the European Commission in Brussels on October 3, 2019, with the purpose of analyzing the mechanisms in Europe to favor the change of bank by mortgage debtors.


Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel was invited speaker in the V National Conference of Registrars, which took place in Seville on the 3rd and 4th October. In particular, her speech covered the tokenization of rights in rem within the 5th Book of the Catalan Civil Code. After this, she had the opportunity to participate in a debate with experts from IT companies in tokenization.



Prof. Sergio Nasarre was invited to inaugurate the “I Conference of Tarragona” of the Association of condominium managers on 28th September 2019, where he had the opportunity to discuss the future of housing and urban leases.



Prof. Sergio Nasarre was invited as speaker to the Conference “Current challenges in digital contracting” organized by the Carlos III University of Madrid and the University of Zaragoza on September 26 and 27, 2019, where he had the opportunity to explain his research carried out on blockchain and tokenization, especially in the real estate sector.




On September 22, our collaborator Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla published in the Dominican magazine Acento.com.do an article entitled “Necesitamos políticas públicas habitacionales efectivas, inclusivas y diversificadas” (“We need effective, inclusive and diverse public housing policies”). Its main purpose was to draw attention to insufficient public housing policies in the Dominican Republic that would comply with the minimum standards indicated by the international agreements to which this country is a party.

In her opinion, based on the data of relevant institutions, Dominican citizens need public policies that would allow them to exercise their right to housing and other rights connected with it, as well as the measures that would promote the housing sector taking into account different needs and family budgets according to the different income groups. It also emphasizes that to recover affordable housing stock and thus to offer housing in accordance with different needs, the State’s active participation in this sector is necessary, as well as the minimum social commitment from the private sector.


The Threshold: promoting protection of the right to housing – Homelessnes prevention in the context of evictions”, a research project promoted by the UNESCO Housing Chair, has been awarded a prize from the Social Council URV due to its social impact. This social impact award recognizes, under the category of social sciences and humanities, those research projects that are expected to improve the society. The proposal was submitted by Sergio Nasarre, Estela Rivas and Juan Luis Gonzalo, thanks also to the collaboration of Marc Solé, Ariadna González, Héctor Herrero, Isidre Monreal, Neus Sabaté, Javier Coca and Jordi de Andrés.




On September 28th took place in the building of the Seminary of Tarragona, the second session of the I Training Days organized by the College of Estate Managers of Tarragona. The two axes of debate were the breaches in terms of accessibility to the housing stock and the difficulties in achieving a balance between work and family life for their professional group, taking into account that the timetable for the celebration of the meetings of the owners’ communities are usually at late afternoon. The Housing Chair participated in the roundtable on accessibility, together with the ECOM, entity that looks after the rights of people with disabilities, the president of the College of Architects of Catalonia, a representation of the College of Technical Architects and the representative of the College in Salamanca, moderated by Mr. Enrique Vendrell.

Because of the deficiencies presented by the housing stock and the economic difficulties that to some owners represent to be able to execute the necessary adaptation works in buildings, the Board proposes to create a specific work commission to investigate together with the Housing Chair about new lines of action to enhance the effectiveness of the regulations in force, both public and private law.


The Threshold

The UNESCO Housing Chair has presented “The Threshold simulation experience to raise awareness about Homelessness” European Research Night of the URV on the 27th of September in Tarragona.
