Spanish Government’s

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, one of the 15 experts consulted for the Spanish Government’s housing programme

Paper presentation at the European Network for Housing Research

Dr. Rosa M. Garcia Teruel presented a paper entitled “Disintermediating the access to housing through the blockchain” at the international conference of the European Network for Housing Research in Athens (27th-30th August). In addition, she moderated the Housing Law panel that took place on 29th August.

Attendance at International Conference

Dr. Héctor Simón has presented the paper “Lack of universal accessibility of housing in Spain, Sweden and Germany: comparative remarks” at the European Network for Housing Research Conference “Housing for the next European social model”, which was held in the city of Athens from 27th to 30th of August 2019.


After the participation of our collaborator Maridalia Rodríguez Padillain the II Conference of Doctorate in Law of the UB: “Personalidades jurídicas difusas y artificiales”, which was held at the Law faculty of the University of Barcelona on April 24th, it has been published in TransJus Magazine, the working documents no. 4/2019 called “Personalidades jurídicas difusas y artificiales”. Her article entitled “El fideicomiso latinoamericano, una institución sin personalidad jurídica” can be found on pages 115-129 of the aforementioned publication in which it analyzes the diffuse personality of Latin American Trusts.