Round table

The Dra. Angeles Galiana has been a moderator of the round table of the Third Session of the International Congress of Researchers in Immigration and Asylum. IX Day of Immigration. “Challenges in immigration and asylum in the European Union: European, international, national and comparative perspective”, June 13, 2019, Faculty of Law, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona.

Urban agenda of Catalonia

El próximo lunes 1 de julio, a partir de les 9h. tendrá lugar en el Campus Cataluña de la URV en Tarragona la quinta sesión participativa de la Agenda Urbana de Cataluña, impulsada por la Generalitat de Cataluña. La sesión se denomina “Dimensión ciudadana” y versará sobre Investigación y Conocimiento, Cultura y Arte y Participación y Transparencia.


Prof. Nasarre took part in the event organized by the “Hay Derecho” Foundation dedicated to “The Market Reform of Rental for Examination. Advance or Recoil?”, With the presentation “The new regime of urban leases, in a European context. The RDL 7/2019 vs Europe”. The event was held at the headquarters of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers in Madrid on 13-6-2019.

VI Conference of the URV

On the 14 of June 2019 Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Ms. Gemma Caballé presented a communication in the VI Conference on teaching innovation on how housing research carried out in the UNESCO Chair is introduced in university teaching and the challenges that we still have in our country in this sense, such as, an interdisciplinary university degree on housing.

Mediation postgraduate

On Friday 7th June took place the awards ceremony of the Mediation postgraduate course at  the FURV in Reu


“Patrimonio Cultural”, Dra. Carmen Gómez, Diari de Tarragona, 09/06/2019

5th Summer Course of the UNESCO Housing Chair URV, inaugurated by Dr. Marc Roark

The 5thSummer Course of the UNESCO Housing Chair URV took place last Friday in Cambrils. It attracted a wide audience and addressed the new Spanish Act 5/2019 on the protection of consumers of mortgage loans. Dr. Mark Roark was in charge of the inaugural conference. Dr. Roark, Professor of Law in the Southern University Law Center (Louisiana, USA), stayed with the Housing Chair for a week, undertaking a research stay.