The UNESCO Housing Chair takes part in the Point-in-Time Count of roofless people, in which 70 people are located sleeping in the streets of Tarragona

The Point-in-Time Count of roofless people in Tarragona took place the nightof the 14th to the 15th of May 2019. 70 people were located sleeping rough (58 men, 9 women and 3 no identified) and 14 more sleeping in the homeless shelter (13 men and 1 woman), bringing the number of roofless people to 84. Several researchers of the UNESCO Housing Chair collaborated both in the organization of the Counting and taking direct part in it as volunteers.


Conflict resolution and housing

On May 10th, the UNESCO Housing Chair of URV brought together more than fifty people around the topic “Conflict resolution and housing”, which addressed issues such as the use of mediation in leases proceedings, conciliation by property registrars, OFIDEUTE programs or conflict resolution programs of various institutions such as the Board of Property Managers or Sogeviso (Banc Sabadell company). The day was inaugurated by Mg. Rector of the URV, Dr. Maria José Figueras, and the closing session was given by Mr. Xavier Bernadí, general director of Law and Legal Entities of the Catalan government.

The inaugural conference

Prof. Sergio Nasarre was invited on May 6, 2019 by the Chamber of Deputies of Mexico to give the inaugural conference of the Housing Forum in Guadalajara. Dr. Nasarre developed the paper starting from the controversial right to housing and how to make it really tangible, even in countries, such as Mexico, which foresee it as a fundamental right in its constitutional text. Issues such as uncontrolled urban sprawl, lack of services and lack of territorial cohesion should serve as the basis for the development of new stable housing policies in the country as well as legislative changes oriented, among others, to the diversification of forms of tenure.

More information at:


“Intermediarios de Crédito vs inmobiliarios”
Gemma Caballé Fabra
Diari de Tarragona, 12/05/2019


“Plataformas de Capital versus Plataformas Sociales en la Economía Colaborativa: Punto de vista jurídico internacional”

Maria Font i Mas

In the economy, we distinguish, in a simple way, the strictly capitalist business sector and the corporate social sector. This simple dichotomy has been transferred to the scope of the collaborative economy, which mistakenly includes under the same name capital platforms and social platforms. These platforms have in common different factors, for instance, namely that they essentially use the digital platform to develop their activity; but they differ in that the first ones seek to maximize capital and the platform is a mere messenger that manages economic transactions just like the classical economy. In front of these, there are social platforms in which the main objective is not for profit, although benefits are obtained, the goal being to have a social impact, at the same time that it provides services or products to the users, following specific values. (…)

Tv Reus

La mediación en el mundo de la vivienda

Emma López, Co-director Mediation Specialist Diploma


“The social impact of research in the field of housing. The case of the UNESCO Chair of housing of the Rovira i Virgili University”

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Gemma Caballé Fabra.

Born from a need to return to society the results of many years of intenseresearch on mortgage and housing law, the University Rovira i Virgili Housing Chair  was created as a functional vehicle to transfer knowledge and to achieve a tangible social  impact through facilitating access to housing.

This article describes the circumstances  that led to the establishment of the Chair, the only UNESCO Housing Chair in the  world, and analyzes its value chain, which links research with specialized teaching,  knowledge transfer and social impact. The article also presents key aspects of the Chair  and provides examples of its activity and impact with specific results


The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the constitutionalisation of private law: a new way to protect the right to housing?

Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno

Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, núm. 771, 2019

V Summer Course

5th Summer Course “The protection of Spanish mortgage debtors. The new Law 5/2019

Cambrils, 7-06-2019