“The Threshold” simulation experience for Social Integration students at the Gaudí High School in Reus

Dr. Jan Gonzalo (co-author of the simulation experience) and Ms. Núria Lambea, researcher of the Housing Chair, were, December 17, at Gaudí High School in Reus to carry out the simulation experience “The Threshold” with the students of the Higher Education Degree (HNC) on Social Integration. Canal Reus TV was also present to witness this gamified activity.


Delivery of a copy courtesy of “The threshold” experience

Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Dr. Estela Rivas delivered a copy courtesy of “El Llindar”, a simulation experience to raise awareness about homelessness, to Mrs. Aurora Vinyes Espasa, Social Integration Tutor at the Francesc Vidal i Barraquer Institute, in gratitude for her collaboration in making this experience a reality. More information about the acquisition of “The threshold” experience may be found at https://llindar.cat/en/


“The Threshold” in Tarragona Radio

On December 10, Dr. Jan Gonzalo (co-author of the simulation experience) and Ms. Núria Lambea, researcher of the Housing Chair, had the opportunity to talk about homelessness and “The Threshold” in Tarragona Ràdio, being the latter a gamified activity intended to raise awareness of the homelessness and residential exclusion issues among students over 15 years of age. More information about this gamified experience, as well as on the documentary “The Threshold” is available at https://llindar.cat/en/

“The Threshold” in Onda Cero

On Novembrer 27, Dr. Jan Gonzalo and Dra. Estela Rivas, were in Onda Cero de Tarragona talking about “The Threshold”, a gamified activity to raise awareness of the homelessness and residential exclusion, designed for among students over 15 years of age. More information about this gamified experience “The Threshold” is available at  https://llindar.cat/en/


Training session on commercial premises in condominiums

Dr. Héctor Simón provided a training session at the College of Property Administrators of Tarragona about the most common problems commercial premises face in condominiums, especially as regards flues, use of the facade for labels and limitations of the use of the property. The training session took place at the College’s headquarters on 12 December 2019 and brought together about fifty members.

50 housing solutions in Europe

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre participated on December 11 in the presentation of the best 50 housing solutions in Europe, an initiative promoted by the Housing Solutions Platform.




The opinion column

Dr. Maridalia Rodríguez Padilla shared in the opinion column Aleph Jurídico of journal Acento.com.do a short analysis of the implementation of the transfer of use as an alternative measure between the purchase and rental of housing, following the example of the Scandinavian states with the application of the Andel model. In her opinion entitled “La cesión de uso como medio de acceso a la vivienda”, she also emphasizes that in many of the states with housing deficiencies, such as the Dominican Republic, they have similar regulations for the implementation of these developments, but they have not focused effectively on the problem of housing, as is the case with the regulations governing cooperative associations.



The Chair has a new partner: the Association of Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Tarragona.


Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, “Los años de la crisis de la vivienda (2007-2019), Diari de Tarragona 08-12-2019.

Communication to international congress

Silvana Canales Gutiérrez, PhD in Law student and a member of the UNESCO housing chair, participated as a speaker in the Collaborative International Accommodation Congress held in Almería on November 21 and 22, organized by the University of Almería in collaboration with the University of the Balearic Islands. Her communication called “Protection of the guest as a consumer in the light of the Brussels I bis and Rome I Regulations”, indicated the consumer’s judicial alternatives against abusive clauses in the service contracts signed with platforms such as Airbnb, HomeaAway and Wimdu.