Training session on urban leases

The UNESCO Housing Chair has organized a training session on urban leases for the Professional Association of Tax Technicians of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands (delegation of Tarragona), on 20 September 2018. Several researchers from the Housing Chair have taken part in the seminar (Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre, Dr. Frederic Adan, Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia and Dr. Elga Molina), in which the civil and procedural aspects of urban leases have been addressed.

Research stay at NUI Galway

The UNESCO Housing Chair researcher Dr. Héctor Simón undertook a research stay for six months (from 1 March to 31 August 2018) at the Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy Research of the National University of Ireland, Galway (, supervised by Dr. Padraic Kenna, thanks to a grant awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports within the framework of the “José Castillejo” Call for Young Doctors in 2017. Dr. Simón has analyzed the potential application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in private legal relationships, in particular in the legislation enacted by the European Union in the field of mortgages and consumers.

CEF Award, Centro de Estudios Financieros 2018

Dr. Diana Marín and Dr. Estela Rivas, both researchers from the Housing UNESCO Chair, were awarded the second prize of the 2018 Tax Law Award from the Centro de Estudios Financieros thanks to the paper “Golden visa for real estate investments, residence and taxation: a settled question”.

Inaugural lecture of the 44th seminar on urban policies and territorial studies at IVAP

Prof. Sergio Nasarre has delivered the inaugural lecture of the 44th Urban Planning and Studies course of the IVAP of Eusko Jaurlaritza-Vasc Government, which information may be found at vedpre04 / es / contenidos / informacion / evetu / es_3811 / cursos_modulares.html. The conference focused on “The crisis of traditional access to housing. The new challenges of collaborative housing.”

Participation in the ENHR international Conference 2018 and reelection of the Coordination Committee

Researchers of the UNESCO Housing Chair, Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Núria Lambea, attended and participated in the European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) International Conference 2018, held in Uppsala from the 26th to the 29th of June. This year’s theme was “More together, more apart: Migration, densification, segregation”. The researchers presented papers on “Legal causes for the situation of disrepair and lack of universal accessibility of the Spanish condominiums after ten years of crisis” and on “Social housing tenures in Spain: does more vulnerability imply less stability?”, respectively.

During the ENHR conference, five Coordination Committee members were elected and installed on a four-year term, being Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre one of them and, thus, renewing a position that he has been holding since 2014.


Research stay at NUI Galway

The UNESCO Housing Chair researcher Núria Lambea undertook a research stay in July and August at the Centre for Housing Law, Rights and Policy Research of the National University of Ireland Galway (, supervised by Dr. Padraic Kenna, in the context of the development of her PhD thesis on models of management of social housing from a comparative perspective.

Research at the University of Groningen

In August 2018, Dr. Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel was visiting researcher at the University of Groningen (Netherlands), hosted by Prof. Dra. Sofia Ranchordás. This research stay on real estate transactions with blockchain was funded by the COST Action 16121 From Sharing to Caring.