Seventh international scientific seminar: ‘’Polices, accessibility and housing finance’’

On Wednesday 9th of March took place at the Rovira i Virgili University the seventh international scientific seminar: ‘’Polices, accessibility and housing finance’’, organized by the UNESCO Housing Chair. Several experts, professionals, and academics attended this workshop.

The Seminar started with a speech delivered by Prof. Dr. Christoph U. Schmid, of the University of Bremen, which was about the coherence of the housing national policies in Europe, specially the harmonization of the public and private elements. The second speech was in charge of Ms. Laura López Demarbre, Director of the Mutua de Propietarios Foundation in which was analysed the relation between the situation of the housing buildings and the households living there, specially disabled and elderly people. Finally, the last speech was delivered by the Dr. Guillem Fernández, member of Coop57, a cooperative of etic and social financial services, specially related with the financing of housing cooperatives. The seminar finished with a round table in which the attendants could discuss the topics presented.

Homelessness Seminar held in Can Massó; (Reus) to improve the assistance to people at risk of housing exclusion.

Last Tuesday 24th of April a network to assist people at risk of housing was presented in Reus. This event was supported by Montserrat Vilella, councillor of the social welfare department of the Reus City Council, as well as other persons and entities related to this field.

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Civil Law Full Professor and director of the UNESCO Housing Chair of URV, and Ms. Núria Lambea Llop, presented the European Study entitled Pilot Project – Promoting protection of the right to housing – Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions. This project was developed by the UNESCO Housing Chair and other international experts, covering the right to housing in Europe and the relationship between evictions and homelessness. Other entities from this network also participated and proposed different ways to help homeless people. The aim of this event is to create synergies between social entities to be able to help homeless people in their process to improve their personal autonomy and their social and interpersonal relationships.