The City Council of Reus, new partner of the UNESCO Housing Chair of URV

The agreement was signed during the 6th Seminar “Empty housing, squatting and community rehabilitation”.

The UNESCO Housing Chair has as a new partner the City Council of Reus, after the Councilor for Social Welfare, Montserrat Vilella, the rector of the URV, Josep Anton Ferré, and the director of the Chair, Sergio Nasarre, have signed the agreement of adhesion in the celebration of this scientific seminar. In this way, the network of institutions that collaborate with the Chair for research and project development is expanded.

The signing of the agreement has taken place in the framework of the 6th Scientific Seminar “Empty homes, squatting and community rehabilitation”, where the projects of rehabilitation of homes by people who have need are being carried out in England by 110 groups organized with the support of a public program. The Pandorahub initiative has also been announced, which aims to convert empty rural properties into attractive places to live and work.

The seminar, which had a first presentation on Monday, September 25, has had three internationally recognized speakers: the professor of Savannah Law School (United States) specialist in real estate law Marc Roark, the professor of Housing Policy of the University from Birmingham and director of the Housing and Community Research Group to IASS David Mullins, and Diana Moret, founder of Pandorahub.

Presence of the UNESCO Housing Chair in the National Conference of Real Estate Agents in Zaragoza on 28 and 29 September 2017

Dr. Sergio Nasarre, Dr. Estela Rivas and Gemma Caballé, attended the National Conference organized by the General Council of Real Estate Agents in Zaragoza carried by the title “The Real Estate Union ” to deal with the current situation and the new challenges of the estate agents profession in Spain.

International conference TENLAW, Groningen (the Netherlands)

Doctoral researcher Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel has represented the UNESCO Housing Chair at the TENLAW International Conference, held in Groningen (the Netherlands) on 28 and 29 September. The researcher has presented and discussed the results of her doctoral thesis through the paper “Repairs in lieu of rent in tenancy law: a new option for people at risk of social exclusion”. This conference dealt with different aspects of tenancy law in Europe and its role in guaranteeing the right to housing in the current migration context.