Four new partners for the Housing Chair of the URV

Four new entities have joined the Housing Chair as partners. These are: Property and Commercial Registrars of Catalonia (SERC), Reus Municipality,  General Council of Property Administrators of Spain (CGCAFE) and the Real Estate Agents Official Association of Tarragona (COAPI Tarragona). See the full piece of news.

First cientific worshop on intermediate tenures – 21N

Workshop “New intermediate tenures. Dividing possession to facilitate access to housing”

Last Friday 21st of November 2014, the Housing Chair of the University Rovira i Virgili organized the first scientific workshop on Intermediate Tenures (shared ownership and temporary ownership), where several experts did presentations about this subject. The schedule of the workshop can be found here: Programa TIcat

Conference within the Salou Active Winter 2014: “The housing problem”

Next Tuesday November 11th, 2014, Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Chair Director, will give a talk about “The housing problem”, and will present the research, training and knowledge activities developed by the Housing Chair URV. This will take place at 18:00h, at the Salou City Council, Sala Mediterranea of the TAS (street Advocat Gallego, 2). See map location here. Free entry open to all public.


Communication at the Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest

The predoctoral researcher Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel, on behalf of the Housing Chair URV, attended the conference Social and economic conflicts of transition towards democracy and market economy organized by the Metropolitan Research Institute de Budapest, from 2nd to 4th November 2014. She presented the communication “Changes in housing tenures in Spain as a result of the crisis”, within the panel sessionBetween the private and social rental sector – social rental agencies?”. She outlined the legal measures adopted by the Spanish government concerning housing tenures since the crisis onset, and the interest from the Catalan legislator to regulate new housing tenures, such as shared and temporary ownership.