Fall in housing purchases in Tarragona region, Reus Channel TV, 04.12.2014

Tarragona is the top region concerning the drop of housing purchases, in terms of National Institute of Statistics (INE) data. In Catalonia as a whole, housing purchase has decreased only a 3.2%, while in Tarragona it reaches 20%. Contrary, tendency in Spain has reverted and it has increased a 14% approximately, regarding same month last year. Although data in our region are negative, real estate agents keep selling flats, but less often. We wanted to accompany them. See piece of news and videos.

Four new partners for the Housing Chair of the URV

Four new entities have joined the Housing Chair as partners. These are: Property and Commercial Registrars of Catalonia (SERC), Reus Municipality,  General Council of Property Administrators of Spain (CGCAFE) and the Real Estate Agents Official Association of Tarragona (COAPI Tarragona). See the full piece of news.

First cientific worshop on intermediate tenures – 21N

Workshop “New intermediate tenures. Dividing possession to facilitate access to housing”

Last Friday 21st of November 2014, the Housing Chair of the University Rovira i Virgili organized the first scientific workshop on Intermediate Tenures (shared ownership and temporary ownership), where several experts did presentations about this subject. The schedule of the workshop can be found here: Programa TIcat

Conference within the Salou Active Winter 2014: “The housing problem”

Next Tuesday November 11th, 2014, Sergio Nasarre Aznar, Chair Director, will give a talk about “The housing problem”, and will present the research, training and knowledge activities developed by the Housing Chair URV. This will take place at 18:00h, at the Salou City Council, Sala Mediterranea of the TAS (street Advocat Gallego, 2). See map location here. Free entry open to all public.


Communication at the Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest

The predoctoral researcher Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel, on behalf of the Housing Chair URV, attended the conference Social and economic conflicts of transition towards democracy and market economy organized by the Metropolitan Research Institute de Budapest, from 2nd to 4th November 2014. She presented the communication “Changes in housing tenures in Spain as a result of the crisis”, within the panel sessionBetween the private and social rental sector – social rental agencies?”. She outlined the legal measures adopted by the Spanish government concerning housing tenures since the crisis onset, and the interest from the Catalan legislator to regulate new housing tenures, such as shared and temporary ownership.

Two master thesis on housing topics

On Tuesday 9th September 2014, two students of the Masters in Corporate and Contracting Law, and predoctoral researchers of the Housing Chair URV, defended their master thesis, with the result of the highest qualification for both.

Rosa Maria Garcia Teruel, presented the work entitled “Rent replacement by housing rehabilitation or reform in urban tenancies”.

Núria Lambea Llop, presented with the work entitled “Private management model of social housing: the case of the British and Dutch housing associations”.

During the 22nd and the 23rd of May 2014, Dr Sergio Nasarre will be in Berlin attending a workshop about Mortgage Law in Europe. The aim of this scientific meeting, held from 2006, is to deal deeply and rigorously with 125 key items about mortgage in Europe. This current edition will provide the forum to discuss experiences with the European Commission and the European Bank Authority. Experts from the United States and Canada will be also attending.

Presentation of the book “El proceso de armonización de los derechos reales en Europa”

Researchers of the University Rovira i Virgili will do a brief presentation of their academic activity next Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014, between 10.30 h and 12.30 h. Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno will present his latest book, “El proceso de armonización de los derechos reales en Europa” (Tirant lo Blanch, 2013).

More information on the scheduled activities: http://www.fll.urv.cat/noticies-activitats/257/sant-jordi-2014-al-campus-catalunya.

Closing Ceremony of the 1st Edition of the Postgraduate Course on Real Estate agent and Land Management 2013/2014

On Saturday, March 22nd, 2014, took place the Closing Ceremony of the 1st edition of the Postgraduate Course on Real Estate Agent and Land Management 2013/2014, jointly organized by the University Rovira i Virgili  and the College of Estate Agents of Tarragona. The Closing Ceremony took place at the headquarters of the URV Foundation and attended Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar and Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno, coordinators of the Postgraduate Course, and Mr.  Gil Cristià Llebat, President of the College of Estate Agents of Tarragona. The event ended with a glass of cava and with the awarding of the diplomas. The Postgraduate Course has been approved by the Catalan Government due to the fact that it meets the requirements of both the Act 182007 of 28 December, on the Right to Housing and the Decree 12/2010 of 2 February, which regulates requirements in order to act as estate agent and creates the Catalan Register of Estate Agents.

URV student wins the II Edition of the Hispajuris & Economist & Jurist Prize

The jury of the II Edition of the Hispajuris & Economist & Jurist Prize (http://www.hispajuris.es/ie/premio.aspx?submenu=9) has announced that the winner (http://g3.jurisoft.es/docftp/fi119967Fallo%20Premio.pdf) of this edition is the paper presented by our student David Pérez López. The title and subject of this edition was “Payment in Kind” and the paper presented by Mr. Pérez (“Payment in Kind. State of the issue and a comparative approach”) is based on his final Degree Dissertation “Payment in kind in Spain: state of the issue and possible alternatives”, which was overseen by Dr. Héctor Simón Moreno, a post-doctoral researcher in Civil Law at the URV and supervised by Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, full professor of Civil Law at the URV. The prize will be awarded in the framework of the XVII Annual Congress of Hipajuris (Zaragoza, 26th to the 28th of September 2013).