The Line – Documentary Film


The proposal we are now making is the production of a documentary on the awareness of homelessness and the effects of evictions, as a vehicle for transferring knowledge. Thus, art. 3 of the Regulations for the creation and operation of URV Chairs approved by the Governing Council of the URV on February 24, 2011 and modified on December 22, 2014 states that one of the purposes of the Chairs is the transfer of the knowledge.

Specifically, the proposed video is an awareness tool that will allow to transfer much of this research trajectory of the Chair to all the public beyond the university and professional scope, showing, therefore, the reality that some people have had to live as a result of the crisis and how the tasks of the Chair can have an impact on the adoption of measures, decision-making and ultimately on improving the welfare of society. In particular, we want to make visible the findings and conclusions of the Project for the European Commission “EU Pilot project: Promoting protection of the right to housing – Homelessness prevention in the context of evictions“, of which Dr. Sergio Nasarre has been co- coordinator.

The documentary is intended to include people who have suffered from homelessness, third sector institutions that work daily with this situation and national and international experts in this area. So:

– First, the coordinators and other experts from the European project on evictions and homelessness will participate. The project aimed to analyze and compare at European level the relationship between eviction and sensuism. For example, there will be the participation of D. Padraick Kenna, in addition of Dr. Joan Uribe, director of San Juan de Dios – Social Services of Barcelona, ​​among other experts. It is therefore intended to give a European view on the causes and effects of evictions and sensuism at European level.

– Secondly, researchers from the Housing Chair explaining their research on the homelessness, such as Dr. Sergio Nasarre and Sra. Elga Molina.

– Thirdly, it will count on the collaboration of foundations of the third sector of both Tarragona and Barcelona, ​​such as the Bona Nit Foundation that cares for the homeless ( and the Arrels Foundation (http: // http: // : //, so that they can give their vision of reality in Tarragona and Barcelona.

– And fourthly, we will have the participation of people who are in a situation of homelessness.

There is a clear objective of the film: the need to explain to society the causes and consequences of homelessness and evictions in the context of economic crisis; of transmitting a reality in which we live.

An important feature of the project is that the production of the report  will be carried out by communication students of the URV tutored by a professional of the Department of Communication Studies of our University. The aim is to be able to do it with the potential of students and the staff of the URV to bring it closer to the youth group, giving the work an innovative and direct air. All of them will contribute in the project through a commission of Rector remunerated and collaboration scholarships.

Since we expect the work to have a relevant quality, we also aim to present the documentary in national and / or international contests and / or contests, as well as passing it on to televisions and virtual repositories of videos such as Vimeo.

It is an URV product: Chair of Housing, Department of Communication Studies and URV Solidaria. In addition, we have committed the economic contribution of a business angel through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which will cover part of the costs of the preparation and editing of the documentary.