Act of adhesion of the City of Reus as partner of the Chair of Housing of the University Rovira i Virgili and 6th Scientific Seminar “Empty housing, squatting and community rehabilitation”
Tarragona, Wednesday 27 September 2017
Boardroom, Campus Catalonia URV
Agenda of the act of accession
11 h. Opening of the act by Mgfc. Mr. Rector of the Rovira and Virgili University, Dr. Josep Anton Ferré Vidal
11:15 a.m. Signing of the agreement.
11:20 a.m. Remarks by the Councilor for Social Welfare and Deputy Mayor of the City of Reus, Ms Montse Vilella.
11:30 a.m. Words of the Rector closing the act.
Scientific Seminar “Empty housing, ‘squatting’ and community rehabilitation”
11:45 a.m. “Empty homes and community led Renovation”, Prof. David Mullins, Professor of Housing Policy at the University of Birmingham.
12:15 a.m. “Between cohousing and coliving, maximizing the use of empty rural properties through tokens,” Ms. Diana Moret, founder of Pandorahub.
12:45 a.m. discussion
13 h. End of Seminar
At 12 h. the first presentation of this 6th scientific workshop by Dr. Marc Roark (Savannah Law School, USA), entitled “Comparative Squatters Rights and Human Resilience”, will be held on Monday 25 September.
Professor Mark Roark teaches real estate law, business law, law and literature, law and sociology, and law and religion at the Savannah Law School. Professor Roark is a recognized scholar of real estate law. He has appeared nationally in interviews for NPR and MSNBC News. The current projects of Professor Roark consider how the claimant space in public forges the collective identity; how Starbucks’ payment methods shape consumer remedy expectations; And how the morality of the law is described and denied in the early American cases.
David Mullins is Professor of Housing Policy and directs the Housing and Communities Research Group to IASS. It also has links to the Third Sector Research Center (TSRC) and the Center for Management of Savings and Savings (Chasma) in the School of Social Policy. His research interests include governance, management and regulation of housing, housing need and homelessness, the role of the third sector, hybrid organizations and social enterprises in the provision of public services and corporate governance .
Diana Moret is Public Relations and MBA. She is founder of Pandorahub. Her role as founder of Pandorahub is to inspire disruptive initiatives, change managers and local leaders to live, work in rural areas. Pandorahub is a network of people, initiatives and natural and rural places. Startups, tutors, teams, consultants and pirates of life that make more sense, fun and nature in our lives.