

10:30-12 h. Sightseeing in the Roman Town of Tarragona and housing

Informal meeting at the Portal del Roser (Via de l’Imperi Romà, Tarragona)

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12:30-13:30 Registration at the conference venue

Welcome snacks, drinks and coffee

13:30-13:45 Opening Ceremony / Words of Welcome

Contributors: Prof. Dr. Josep A. Ferré, Rector of University Rovira i Virgili (PC)

                      Carles Sala Roca, Catalan Secretary of Housing

                      Dr. Julio Gómez Pomar, Spanish Secretary of Infrastructure, Transport and Housing (PC)

13:45:14:45 Plenary session 1. “Evictions and homelessness in Europe”

Joan Uribe, President of FEANTSA, OHSJDD

Dr. Padraic Kenna, Univ. of Galway, HRW correspondent. Evictions and homelessness in Europe 

Koldo Casla-Salazar, Researcher on the right to housing, Amnesty International Spain. Evicted Rights II: Right to housing and gender impact of rental evictions in Spain

14:45-15 h. Lunch
15 h.-17 h. Workshop 1. HOMEOWNERSHIP AND MORTGAGES. Dr. Héctor Simon (coord.). Presentation of papers related to homeownership, mortgage lending, mortgage market, Directive 2014/17 implementation, reckless banking practices. 
17 h. – 17:15 h. Coffee-break
17:15 h – 19:15 h. Workshop 2. EVICTIONS. Gemma Caballé (coord.). Presentation of papers related to evictions, causes, legal, sociological and Welfare State way to stop or palliate them, solutions to solve their consequences. 
20 h. Conference dinner (Seminari)

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9 h. Plenary session 2. “Housing tenures in Europe”

Prof. Dr. C. Schmid, ZERP, University of Bremen. New housing tenures in Europe

Prof. Dr. Sergio Nasarre Aznar, UNESCO Housing Chair, U. Rovira i Virgili, Drafting attractive residential leases for EU peripheral countries


Prof. Dr. Esther Muñiz, University of Valladolid, How housing will be affected by implementation of Directive 2014/17/EU

10 h. Coffee-break
10:15 – 12:15 Workshop 3. TENANCIES AND INTERMEDIATE TENURES. Rosa Maria Garcia (coord.). Presentation of papers related to tenancies, control vs liberalization, short tenancies, holiday tenancies, stigmatization of tenancies, alternative housing tenures to tenancies and homeownership.
12:15- 13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 Plenary session 3. Strategic litigation in the area of housing rights in Europe

  • María José Aldanas, FEANTSA Policy Officer and HRW Coordinator.
  • Javier Rubio, attorney CAES. Preliminary rulings before the ECJ. 
  • Anais Franquesa, attorney at Iridia. Use of art 39 before the ECHR and the decision on the interim measure. 
  • Marie Rothhahn and Sarah Coupechoux, Fondation Abbe Pierre. Legal cases to contribute to the right to housing in France.
14:30-16:30 Parallel workshop 4a. RIGHT TO HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS. Núria Lambea (coord.). Presentation of papers about paths in and out, Housing First, affordable housing, empty housing, squatting. Homelessness, prevention, tackling and reaction. Criminalization of the homelessness and use of public spaces.
14:30-16:30 Parallel workshop 4b. HOUSING TAXATION. Dr. Ángel Urquizu (coord.) -IN SPANISH LANGUAGE ONLY- . Presentation of papers about taxation of homeownership, tenancies and intermediate tenures. Comparative, European and international housing taxation. 
16:30-16:45 Coffee-break

Workshop 5. EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTS, POLICIES AND JURISPRUDENCE. Collective complaints and other instruments to defend housing rights in Europe. Maria Font (coord.). Presentation of papers about European instruments, policies and litigation in relation to housing, evictions and homelessness. Collective complaints. Infringement procedures.

19 h. Preview of the Documentary Film “The Line”, about evictions and homelessness produced by the UNESCO Chair of Housing URV. 
19:20 h. Closing 
20:30 h. Informal dinner (to be determined according the no. of people)

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